
Intending to truly be thankful… heart, mind, and spirit.

Intending to have the kind of smile from Jesus that lights the room.

Intending to remember and get swallowed up in every drop of chaos.

Intending to have many deep belly laughs.

Intending on long conversations at the supper table instead of hurrying to get up dirty dishes.

Intending on keeping Jesus center of our family with the presents being last.

Intending on enjoying every morsel of food.

Intending on lingering in my husband’s kisses.

Intending on loving these babies the way God does.

Intending on giving my time, money, and thoughts even when it hurts.

Intending on throwing worries out of the window and remembering God’s promises.

Intending on not caring if we watch Frosty the Snowman for the zillionth time.

Intending on not interrupting my Grandpa’s stories.

Intending to stay up late too late snuggling on the couch.

Intending on waking up too early for the first cup of coffee.

Intending on keeping the Christmas music blaring.

Intending on keeping our pace SLOW.

Intending on making lots of hot chocolate.

Intending on whispering prayers all day.

Intending on crying when I’m feeling the lovey dovey pregnancy emotions take over.

Intending on not caring about my makeup smeared all over my face afterwards.

Intending on a lot of pajama, coloring, and movie days.



To be intentional is to do something on purpose, to be deliberate.

To accomplish my list takes a purposeful choice each and every second of the day.

Let’s live in this, when the craziness attempts to creep in and steal our joy.

Intentionally giving God the glory for His grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love.



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