Daily Prescription

I’m not sure what it was about yesterday.


We had our first day back at our home school group CC where I tutor one of the classes. Normally it kind of stresses me out. There is quite a bit of preparing that is involved not to mention getting the kids looking half decent, lunches packed, and us all out the door early in the morning.


Yesterday was different. I felt calm, relaxed, and overall more joyful. I didn’t feel stressed or pressure like usual. I didn’t collapse on the couch from exhaustion when we got home, I was still nice to my kids, and I didn’t feel like a complete failure.


I was telling my husband all about it and we came to the conclusion that of course it’s all about GOD. Ya see, here lately, I have been secretly wondering how in the world I am going to take care of another baby while keeping up with a 5, 3, and 1-year-old. God knows my heart. He knows how desperately I want to obey Him in raising these children well. I believe with all my heart that He gives us days like yesterday to build up strength and confidence. The thing we have to remember is that none of this in ourselves or our own abilities. It is ALL from Him alone.


I say none of this to pretend that there are not VERY difficult days. God gives us a dose of what we need on a daily basis. Look at it as your prescription for the day to make you more like HIM. I’m not sure what today will bring but I am confident in the one who has given the day.


What is your prescription for the day?

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2 Responses to Daily Prescription

  • Megan Gadd says:

    Love your heart sister! I have to say from experience that I feel the same thing with each child I give birth to. All of mine are very close in age and I just gave birth to number 6 (oldest is 8) and I usually get pregnant by the time they’re five or six months old, but God was with me every step!! When I delighted in His Word was when I was most successful as a mother. If God continues to bless you with other children you will always fear the next birth, however, rely on Him for your strength and continue to trust in Him daily in His Word. He will get you through always even if you have 15!! He will not give you what He cannot sustain! I am confident of this!!! :-)….

    • Brittany says:

      Yay! Thanks for the encouragement! Of course the day I published the post was a heck of a day. Evidently, It’s what I needed! Thanks for sharing:)