
Life has been a crazy, wonderful mess since welcoming our fourth child a month ago. I have come out of the little valley that most mammas of newborns go through and am starting to juggle again. The fog is clearing, and I am starting to once again feel the joys of a larger than average family and once again be reminded of my conviction to raise them for God.


Through this month a common theme has been ringing as I’m sure it will continue for a few more months. It is saying “Let go of any expectations!”


An expectation is a strong belief that something should happen a certain way. That is simply unrealistic in my stage of life right now…really in any stage of life. To assume we can expect a certain outcome because we have done this or that is foolish.


I am seeing now that all of my expectations I put on myself and those around me were all selfishly motivated. To have true freedom in this life takes dying to self every second of the day. It not about me and what I expect to happen. It is about God and His plans for that day. His Plans are not our plans…


The more and more I can grasp this concept the fuller my heart becomes. I am seeing that it’s not about how many things I can get checked off my to do list or how clean I got the house that day. If it were about that, then having kids wouldn’t be in the equation.


Instead it is about THEM. My husband and Children. Dying to self, serving them, and letting go of my expectations will be the key to my success.


What expectations are you letting go of today? Subscribe and share!

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One Response to Expectations

  • Sarah Sedberry says:

    Brittany! Once again your posts speak right to my heart. I struggled for months and finally realized I had to let go of my expectations on certain things. Your post reminds me it was the right thing to do. 🙂 Glad that you and baby Easton are doing well.