When Children Don’t Always Feel Like A Blessing

“Believe me, I am the first one to tell you children are indeed blessings. I believe it, and live it with all of my being. They are apart of my testimony, the reason I don’t use any hormonal birth control, and why I’m passionate about homeschooling.


I gotta tell ya, sometimes, children don’t always feel like a blessing. Know what I mean?…”


Read the rest over at Raising Homemakers today!

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2 Responses to When Children Don’t Always Feel Like A Blessing

  • It’s been a while since I’ve been over here, you know busy with the kids and farm and all, but I just read through your posts to catch up. Good reading, keep writing. Yes, I can identify with this so much! It is hard, hard work and it takes so much wisdom (which I seek daily!), but the rewards are great. When I start feeling like this is too much for me, I usually realize that I have gotten my priorities all mixed up-again! My sister just sent me a reminder that sometimes the very things that we are complaining about and feeling stressed out over are the very things we prayed for years ago and now we are forgetting to be thankful for the gift/blessing we’ve received…..just some thoughts…

    • Brittany says:

      That is so true! “…the very things we are complaining about and feeling stressed out over are the very things we prayed for…” I need to remember this always and stick it in my back pocket:)