Where Are The Church Ladies At?
Do you remember her? The woman who walked the pews of the church passing out hugs and candy as she searched for unfamiliar faces. She never met a stranger. When your eyes met hers you saw a long-lost friend with kindness coming from deep within. She never saw the piercings, tattoos, the worn out dress, the dirty faced children, the rushing out of the car, or your church track record. She saw God’s children, her fellow brother and sister coming to a sweet place of fellowship and worship. She instantly bought ease and comfort to tense shoulders and fake smiles. She had the power to open the windows to your soul until the pain, struggles, and aggravations poured out. She simply listened, judgment never crossed her mind.
She was an extension of all we needed. The hands and feet of Jesus. She bought the scriptures to life. She was a fountain of wisdom with words carefully separated between self and spirit. Some how she always managed to speak from the spirit. She spoke of things most don’t. Things like sticking with your marriage through the hard times, capturing the heart of your children, and of the home being the foundation and our domain. She wiped tears, wrangled children, laughed with you and most importantly spoke truth to your soul.
Unfortunately the church lady, in most cases, has been replaced by the busy body. We can feel it. Feel the judgment and can see the eyes scanning on what we feel like is our crazy mess of a family. So we hold in the struggles and try to cover the tattoos, and strive our best to shine the image of approval. We slowly forget the reason we came in the first place.
If you are one of the lucky ones with a God sent church lady then treasure her, mimic her, and follow in her footsteps.
If you don’t have a church lady then be the church lady.
Show others the kind of God we serve. Look at the people around you through His eyes. Lift them up and point them to the blessings around them. Share the truths and all about God’s goodness. Hug necks when loss and failures encompass them. Love on the screaming baby, the teen rolling their eyes, and the busy toddler.
We have the opportunity to bring in a new generation of church ladies. To fulfill the Titus 2 mandate. “Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands, and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”
Who is ready to be the next church lady? Subscribe and share.
Sharing this with: A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You,

I was just discussing topic yesterday at church with someone. Our church has done away with a lot of the lady ministries over the last few years and I think it’s detrimental. Those ministries are the ministries that teach the younger wives how to be wives and godly women. Anyways, I agree with you we need to be that woman regardless if we have a role model (or ministry) teaching us.
Yes, the women ministries are wonderful. I learned a lot through different ladies Bible studies I have been in. Every church should have a team of women supporting one another.
What a convicting post! I would much rather be ministered to by the church lady than be her, but if there were more church ladies I think we’d see a change in the churches.
Thank you so much for this!
Oo so very very true! I love how you said if you do not have a church lady be that church lady! Thank you for inspiring me today!
We have 2 wonderful ladies at our church just as you described. One is the pastor’s mom and the other is a very hard working fellow farmer in her fifties…..with always a hug and smile and quick word of encouragement before moving on to the next person. I love them! And yes, I should learn how to do that….right now I’m mostly juggling babies and toddlers….you know all about that, I’m sure! 😉
Good point, Brittany. We should be church ladies in the church and out in the world. We are called to love others and show them who Jesus really is. I think part of the reason we don’t see them is that we attend a very large church. There are still church ladies in the world. When we attend Memaw’s church there are several church ladies there and I LOVE them! They are so precious and you can see the love that they have to give to others. And…they are prayer warriors! I feel totally blessed when I leave there and return home!
I have met some at our church. They are wonderful! The encouragement they all give means more than the women will ever know.
Hi Brittany! Very insightful post! My godly Mother is a wonderful “church lady”. Her gracious, loving, encouraging example has been my guide to be sure I’m the “church lady” where God has placed me.
Thank you! You are one of my church ladies:)
I love when you said to be the church lady if you don’t have one. That really hit home with me because I have been praying for a mentor and recently I have felt God telling ME to be the mentor to others. Thanks for this encouraging post!
Thank you! I have felt the same thing:)