Getting Off The Bench


It’s time. Time to do what I’m called to do. To use this space as a source of truth and love. I’ve come to realize that love void of truth is not really love at all.

The spirit of fear that satan loves to use to destroy, divide, and steal from us is on the rise like raging waters all around. It’s hovering there waiting to swallow me up. I see and feel it so clearly. I see people drowning in it, some trying to swim out, and some trying to pull others in deep to drown too.

Where am I today? I am in His perfect peace firmly standing on dry ground. Does the water that encircles reach me at times? Of course. But God… This is nothing I’ve done, but what He has already done and continues to do. I cant explain it. It surpasses my understanding just as He said it would when we stay focused on Him.

For those of you who find yourself on dry ground, we are called to walk bravely and live our life though the treacherous waters try to overtake us. It should be our mission, by the grace of God, to pull our sweet family and friends from those dark waters of fear.

Some simple, yet solid questions to keep asking ourselves.

-Has the Lord not numbered our days?

-Are we in control?

-Isn’t this playing out like the Bible said it would?

-Don’t we already know how this ends?

-Can’t we see that what is good others call evil and what is evil is good?

So what are us on dry land to do? The same thing we’ve always done. Live our Life. Pour everything out, mess up, repent, and keep glorifying God with guns blazing.

-Celebrate with those who celebrate

-Mourn with those who mourn

-Lay hands on the sick


-Pray for eyes to be opened and the spirit of fear to flee in Jesus’s name.

-Be the hands and feet of Jesus.

-Speak love with truth.

-Take off the mask and symbol of fear. Smile and breathe.

We were born for this time. A storm is on the horizon and things are falling into place just as He said it would. Now more than ever let’s look up and tilt the chins of family, friends, and our children in the same direction. He’s on the throne. He’s not surprised. He’s still doing something good as He always has. Always bringing us one step closer to eternity.

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