A Whole New Crazy

Let me tell ya, four kids 5 and under is a whole new kind of crazy! Just like with every new baby there are a lot of adjustments, and you wonder if life will ever be “normal again.”-or at least I always think that.




Through the fog of healing, feedings, and sleep deprivation the Lord has still shown me the beauty of a little life. With each child I have realized how quickly the stages pass by and I am trying with every ounce of my brain to memorize his newborn cry, soak in every grin in his sleep, and to hold onto the feeling of a head buried in my shoulder. I want to bottle up his newborn scent and carry it around for the rest of my life.


Although it’s a crazy time in life right now, and I’m wondering how in the world we will manage. I look at this sweet face and embrace this whole new kind of crazy.







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