A Dream For Simplicity
Photo by Tvelekza/freedigitalphotos.net
The idea of simplicity at times can look like a far off, unobtainable dream. Most want it and have a vision for what it looks like, but can’t push the stack of odds away to fall into the sweetness of it.
Simplicity is clarity. Removing away the distractions for a better view of what’s directly in front. It’s accessibility to relationships between the people who make a family.
It takes an effort to ease into the integrity of simplicity. To move past the walls of complication to reveal the openness of having less.
The having less to gain more.
The guide to this idealistic lifestyle? Contentment.
Simplicity and contentment go hand in hand.
It’s peace and fulfillment in the simple things of life and working hard to stay that way.
Let’s show our children what this world has to offer without all the fluff and educate them on this art. The art of seeing a lot in a little and holding onto those things without compromising.
Where do you rest in contentment? Do you feel this is a skill worth passing on to future generations? Subscribe and share:)
Back To An Old Fashioned Way Of Thinking
Photo courtesy of Usamedeniz/Freedigitalphotos
I am intrigued by simplicity and the days of old. I love the thoughts of aprons around a mammas waist. The warmth of a kitchen with the enticing smells of bread in the oven. I can see bare feet and mud pies lined in the driveway. To see feet dangling from a tree limb they just learned to climb. I can hear the static of a radio playing in the background. It was a time when daddies walked in the door to a houseful and aromas of a homemade supper. A time when laughter was shared around the supper table and stories were told. Where kids learned their manners, how to eat what was given, and how to clean the plate. Where the food was real. It was mixed, stirred, and tasted. It was soaked, baked, and seasoned with love.
A time when you could spank your wild child then hug them after. A time when hard physical labor was a sought after character trait and the Gospel was the best story ever told. A time when they used their hands, sweat, and common sense. Neighbors knew each other by first and last name. They were the first person you called when needing help. I love the thoughts of recipes being swapped and encouragement given. The days when being married to one person your whole life was just how it was. Back to the time when a swollen belly with life meant the marriage was content and blessed. Go back to the day when an animal was used for the good of the family, protection, not as an accessory. To go back when little boys could carry pocket knives. A time when the sports you played were all teams you formed in the backyard. When kids were called inside for supper and were filthy from a full day of play.
This is my mission.
To get back to family values and true quality of life. To live beautifully and simply and work hard to keep it that way. To slow down the pace and make something from nothing. To grow food and cook it with your own hands. To give the sweet gift of childhood to a generation that has lost it and to restore marriages back to what they are meant to be…forever.
Who wants to join me in this journey of reclaiming the best days of the past as we move forward in the future? Let us join together and show the world how to love on their husbands, children, and home. It has been placed on my heart to reach more women in encouragement. My vision is to cut loose of unnecessary distractions and focus on all the God-given things that matter on the short time we all have.
What about you? Want to Join me?
The circus of Motherhood: Simplify
image courtesy of Renjth Krishnan/freedigitalphotos
Ever feel like you are juggling 10 balls at once? If you drop one then they all will fall. I often associate motherhood as a balancing act. It’s bout like you’re in the circus (picture yourself as a clown if you want) on the tight rope walk being as deliberate as possible with every move you make to get to other side in one piece. One false move and your on your face, or feel like you are anyway.
In no way am I an expert when it comes to balancing priorities, or anything for that matter. But I do ask for God’s help and learn from others how to simplify life to keep all the juggling balls in the air and get across the tight rope.
Bath time
I know all my germaphobe friends are going to pass out on this one but I DO NOT bathe my kids every night. Three times a week or so is our normal…most of the time;) You would be amazed at the dirt a baby wipe can get off on those in between days. Perhaps I’m lazy or smart.. but the time and energy it saves is a huge headache reliever. Besides, we are saving water and not drying out their skin:)
I lay out everyone’s clothes the night before and put them in the corner of their room. I used to let the kids run around in pajamas all day unless we had something planned. I have found that there is almost always an unexpected visitor coming or a quick errand that needs to be ran. In the middle of our day I would have to stop, pick out clothes, and get everyone dressed. This can become quite aggravating if you’re in a hurry. Lesson learned. (Notice I didn’t mention getting myself dressed!)
Diaper bag
Keep that thing loaded and ready at all times. You just have to remember to grab it when your walking out the door. Keep it near your car keys.
Every Saturday I write out our menu plan for the week to have it ready when I grocery shop on Monday. I write it our so that at 5pm I’m not looking through the pantry and giving them cereal once again. Another time saver for the actual menu planning is trying to keep the same pattern every week. Example: Monday- Mexican style food, Tuesday- crock pot meal, Wednesday- pasta/italian, Thursday- soup/salad, Friday- pizza, Saturday- leftovers.
All kiddos keep their shoes in a big plastic bin in our coat closet by the front door. They know when they take their shoes off to stick them in there. Whenever we leave they should be able to find them…most of the time anyway.
Home School
I can’t speak for Mommas with older children. I can say that with a 1, 3, and 4-year-old simple is best. I consider it a great home school day when we read the Bible together, pray, and list out the things we are thankful for. The day is even better when they can run outside and be there wild and crazy selves. When I’m trying to be an extra good Momma we read book at the end of the night. (I’m working on reading to them more.)
Outside your home
This is a big one. Each season of life provides different opportunities to get out and do some stuff with your kids. If you’re not careful the opportunities can turn into distractions. I have fallen into this many times. I try to remind myself to schedule around nap times and when we are most productive in our home. The outside world includes computers and TV. Don’t let this rob your time. It’s sneaky. Set boundaries and draw the line.
Probably one of the greatest things I have learned and am trying to put into practice is to let go of unrealistic expectations of myself. When I fail, then I have guilt, then I eat… not good!
I would love to hear others ideas on how they do what they do. Any tricks on getting to other side of your tight rope?
Craving Simple
image courtesy of Njaj/freedigitalphotos.net
Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to simplify? One would think it would be well, SIMPLE. I have come to find out it takes far more effort to simplify your life, yet it’s easy to complicate it.
Take for instance trying to buy a bottle of water. It’s tough to find JUST water. There are numerous options of vitamin infused water, flavored water, carbonated water, double filtered water, etc… the list goes on and on. Heck, just pick up a loaf of bread and notice the fifty ingredients listed.
It is also much easier to buy something with money that is not even yours, it’s loaned. What kind of sense does that make? People like to see you pay with your credit card, and people like using them. It doesn’t seem to bother most Americans that there are fees, interested rates, and an entire third-party involved. This has become our norm.
It seems over complication is the language of our society. By trying to make things more convenient we alter the state of its simplicity and it’s best design to work.
What if people only bought when they could afford it? For one, we might all work a little harder. Employment rates would go up and foreclosures down. But of course all of those complicated systems would have to be simplified as well.
What if the food on the shelves was the actual food we thought we were getting. Would we still have the rise of cancers and comorbidities in our nation? This then spills over into our healthcare systems. Oh goodness, that would have to be an entire different post for another day!
It is counterculture to simplify. It takes extreme effort but in it I have found such peace. My family and I strive for this daily. One of the definitions for the word simple is: FREEDOM from complexity, intricacy, or division. I love that!
What are some ways you try to keep things simple in your home?
I’m sharing this with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Our Simple Farm, Raising Homemakers, Walking Redeemed, Women Living Well, Jill’s Home Remedies, Graced Simplicity, Raising Mighty Arrows, Happy and Blessed Home, My Joy Filled Life.Christian Mommy Blogger, Let This Mind Be In You