DIY Laundry Detergent

I have been making our own laundry detergent for over two years now. It started out as just plain curiosity when I randomly found a recipe online. I knew I absolutely hated spending money on cleaning supplies so I thought I’d give it a try. I haven’t gone back since! This recipe is a dry detergent, but you could certainly try a liquid one if you would rather. The only draw back to the liquid is that you usually have to let it sit overnight. If your anything like me…when you run out of your detergent, you usually have a couple of loads waiting on ya.


Homemade laundry detergent
1 bar soap, grated -I use whatever is on sale in bulk at Costco. Right now I’m using Lever 2000. I’ve been told Ivory is a great brand as well.
1 cup Borax
1 cup washing soda
There ya have it! I use my cheese grater for the soap. Then just stir them all up. Use 1 TBS per load. 2-3 TBS for very large or heavily soiled loads.


Cost breakdown:
1 55 ounce box of super washing soda 3.99
1 76 ounce box of Borax 4.99
1 10 pack bar of soap. Sorry y’all have no idea how much I paid for this.
My washing soda and borax last me many batches. Each batch makes about 32 ounces. With that amount you get between 32 and 64 loads of laundry.

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