What Is Life?

I am a thinker. I am a ponderer. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. This week has been no exception.


It seems as though the typical cycle continues. The string of events sail through the air with sweet smells and memories until the wind dies down and doubts, heart ache, and burdens grow heavier on tired shoulders.


I have been tossing around the question “What is life?” “Am I being a good steward with what I’ve been given?”


The sweet, optimistic side of me tells me life is about savoring the moments. The family cookouts at Granny’s, long phone conversations with my mom, the porch swing with my love after the children are asleep, their sweet arms around my neck, waking early, staying up late, first lighting bugs…I could go on and on of the richness and sweetness that God allows me to experience on a daily basis.


Through this past week the Holy Spirit has been stirring in my heart and soul just as He always does. I am seeing that though the sweetness of flying above the clouds are in fact God’s blessings…even more so are the struggles, challenges, and heart ache.


When we face those things perspective begins to shift. All we see are people, relationships, and togetherness. When it is all said and done how we love others, support them, and show them Jesus are THE ONLY THING LIFE IS ABOUT AND WORTH LIVING FOR. As believers what we do has eternal value, WE ARE ETERNAL. The entire purpose of God breathed life is to impact the world for Him and bring them to eternity.


When we can fully grasp this, and wrap our brain around it then we can see that the hard times are not in vain. They are only glimpse of perspective of eternity. God pulls us closer all the more to share the secrets of a truly fulfilled life. Love as He loved every. single. day. in every circumstance.


I don’t want to finish my life neat and manicured. I want to be spent up, used up, hair a crazy mess, every last bit of me used for His sake. That’s my answer, that’s what I want my life to be about.

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3 Responses to What Is Life?

  • katrina says:

    So well said, Brittany! This whole summer has been a struggle. Some heart aches that I’ve had to let go and see God’s hand in and also my kids and husband have had the worst cold I’ve ever seen. Similar to whooping cough (which I’ve never witnessed), but they’ve been coughing so hard that they throw up or can’t breathe (my husband in that case). Trips to the urgent care and tons of prayer. We’ve had to hang on to the promise of tomorrow. I’ve had to keep my head up as I care for my family and not get discouraged by the length and severity of this cold. I’ve had to remind myself that God is in this and He is growing us up in this struggle. Thankfully, everyone is almost completely better. Funny thing is the two younger ones did better than the older. Even with Autumn’s slight asthma, she did better than my husband and oldest daughter. God is still here, in control and allowing us to laugh and love through it all…and hold on to His hope for our future.

  • Donna Short says:

    I have learned that life is a journey…a roller coaster ride with many hills and dips along the way. Good times come and go. Struggles also come and they seem to settle in and stay a bit longer than the mountain top experiences. What I am learning (slowly and imperfectly) is that we have to love when it hurts and that we were placed here on this earth to be a blessing to others. On many occasions, I have asked God, why me? Why must I go through so many difficulties. Then, He gently reminds me by sending me a post on FB or a word through a friend that someone else is having a worse life experience than me. I stop immediately and pray for that person or that family. God has shown me that He walks with us through all of life’s ups and downs and allows them to come into our lives so that we will know how to help another person walk through his or her difficult spot. Thanks the sincerity in which you write. Yes, God wants us to delve into life head first by trusting Him and using our lives for His glory. I can’t wait to see how He uses you next!