- I want to actually be at home. I can accomplish nothing if no time is spent there.
- Nurture the sick and broken.
- Raise up the next generation.
- Pass down scripture, recipes, and the how to’s of this life.
- Provide rest for my family.
- Provide a constant eye, ear, heart, and hug to my husband and children.
- Have home cooked foods to fill hungry bellies.
- Warmth in the winter and cool breezes in the summer.
- Laughter to be the continuous tune.
- A place where examples are made for marriage, love, and determination.
- A place to always feel close to God and hear His voice.
These are just a few of a continuous list I should always have circulating in my mind. How about you? What do you think about when you hear the word, “Home?” Do you have anything to add to the list?
Are You Having More Kids?
Visiting Daddy at the firestation.
Disclaimer: The intentions of this post are not to point a finger at those who have decided to no longer have children. I simply want to spin things around, even for a moment, to make you think hmmm???
Ahh… The question of my life recently. “Are you having any more kids?” Such a loaded question.
To all those who ask this question, which is basically everyone, I do not take offense. I understand that this has become a normal question in our society and I’m okay with that, heck I’m sure I’ve asked it myself.
Although this is a normal question, rather you desire a large family or not, it’s quite odd. There are many questions wrapped up in one. The first, “So when are you going to stop your bodies natural function?” The second, “Is your husband going to start wearing condoms or are you going to start taking hormones to stop your reproduction?” -sorry to be so blunt, but in actuality that IS the question.
Imagine the look in their eyes when you say, “Yes I hope so!” I honestly don’t think people ever expect to hear that answer. They have always looked shocked with their mouth wide open.
My question is… “Why do people stop having children?” Some of my many questions wrapped up in one really say, “Why are people stopping a natural function of their body, what it was made to do?” “Why do people put hormones in their body?”
The issue lies in our cultural views on children. To call me crazy for letting my body do it’s thing and to call it normal to pump hormones in your body just doesn’t make sense to me. If this is the choice people want to make then that is fine. But for others to feel the need to explain to me how sex happens, or that I need to watch tv, or tell me I’m crazy just doesn’t seem right. Most of the time it’s the strangers who want to make their opinions of my wierdness made known to me. I would never tell anyone they were crazy for using birth control and preventing pregnancy. Of course I feel that letting God bless you with children as He sees fit is the best way to go, but to make someone else feel less than because they are not having more children is not my place. Just as others insisting I stop having children is not their place.
I really hope this can shed some light on some of the backward thinking in our society. I used to think the exact same way! When I started to feel the conviction to let go of my fertility to God I still thought I was crazy. Over time, I no longer feel that way. Today it feels normal, right, and what I was made to do thanks to the grace of God for changing my views 100% on children.
How about you? Do you have any convictions that people call you crazy for? Are you starting to not care as much about the crazy comments like me? Subscribe and Share!
Sick Of Waiting
Do you ever feel stuck? Like God has something planned around the corner, a desire to be met, but it’s just not happening? That is the way we have felt for the past several months. It’s no secret to those who know us well that we want to be on a long dirt road in the country, gardens everywhere, with noisy kids and animals filling up the yard. Yet, here we are on the side of a paved road with neighbors at every turn of our head. Its hard not to get discouraged when a dream you have in your heart isn’t happening as fast as you want. You feel like your spinning your wheels, wasting time and potential.
Something Ive learned recently… just because I’m not there doesn’t mean the plan isn’t in progress. It doesn’t mean the way isn’t being paved. God puts strong desires in our hearts for a reason. Sometimes He gives us our desires immediately, other times He builds patience, perseverance, and contentment allowing us to do His work right where we are. The key is we are never truly stuck. We are always moving forward. Rather its good useful progress is up to us. God is always working, molding, and pushing. Do we conform to His image or resist and have a pity party?
So whenever your sick of waiting remember we never really are. We are making strides in His perfect plan.
What are you waiting for today?
Daily Prescription
I’m not sure what it was about yesterday.
We had our first day back at our home school group CC where I tutor one of the classes. Normally it kind of stresses me out. There is quite a bit of preparing that is involved not to mention getting the kids looking half decent, lunches packed, and us all out the door early in the morning.
Yesterday was different. I felt calm, relaxed, and overall more joyful. I didn’t feel stressed or pressure like usual. I didn’t collapse on the couch from exhaustion when we got home, I was still nice to my kids, and I didn’t feel like a complete failure.
I was telling my husband all about it and we came to the conclusion that of course it’s all about GOD. Ya see, here lately, I have been secretly wondering how in the world I am going to take care of another baby while keeping up with a 5, 3, and 1-year-old. God knows my heart. He knows how desperately I want to obey Him in raising these children well. I believe with all my heart that He gives us days like yesterday to build up strength and confidence. The thing we have to remember is that none of this in ourselves or our own abilities. It is ALL from Him alone.
I say none of this to pretend that there are not VERY difficult days. God gives us a dose of what we need on a daily basis. Look at it as your prescription for the day to make you more like HIM. I’m not sure what today will bring but I am confident in the one who has given the day.
What is your prescription for the day?
TODAY…Is Special
My little girl Zoe has this red satin fancy Christmas dress. She has never worn it. It’s not really the kind of dress you wear any old-time. The best place to wear it would have been to the Christmas concert at our church. I forgot to put it on her…In reality, they misbehaved the entire time so we left early and spanked them when we got in the car! That is besides the point:)
Just about every day this petite little girl ask me to put on that fancy red dress. Every day I tell her, “No Zoe that dress isn’t for just around the house but for special occasion only.” Everyday she tells me how much she loves it and wants to be a princess.
It hit me the other day…Why in the world will I not let the child wear that dress???? To her, today is the day. Today is the day to be a princess, and the day to dress up for no reason at all. Why do I feel the need to save up the special moments? They are there right under my nose all day waiting to be experienced and opened as gifts from the Lord.
In tribute to my sweet Zoe Bell here are my lessons of the day…
Today is special. Today is the day to wear my favorite shirt, and my warmest pair of socks. Today is the day to make pancakes and have extra cream in my coffee. Today is the day to drink out of my favorite coffee cup. (Seriously y’all I even save my favorite coffee cups) Today is the day to let them watch that movie they’ve been wanting to see. Today is the day to bring out the better dishes. Today is the day for the Pinterest projects you’ve been wanting to get into. Today is the day to turn the radio up loud and dance it out. Today is the day to stay up late snuggling a little longer.
She taught me that today is special and is worth giving it my all, even when it seems like just any other day.
A Real Woman (Modesty)
A real woman is secure, confident, and glows from the inside out. She holds it all in until the doors are closed and she gives her husband all she’s got. Yep, that’s a real woman. She doesn’t give details about her sex life or talk about her body. Her words are discreet.
She is respectful of other woman in the way she talks to their husbands and covers her body around them. She respects the husbands by not causing them to stumble. She respects her own husband by showing him he is the only one who has all of her. Se respects herself by not feeling pressure and the need for comments. She doesn’t use Facebook, pictures, or her breast to give her satisfaction. She looks to God for her self-worth.
Ladies, lets hold each other accountable in the way we speak, carry ourselves, dress, and yes, even the looks we give. Show your husband a real woman of God. Something to be treasured, cherished, and made only for him. Love him like there is no tomorrow emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Protect your husbands eyes and heart. Let’s begin today teaching our sons the importance of pure thoughts and respecting women’s bodies. Let’s show are daughters a real woman in the way we live each and every day.
Anyone else with me? Any ideas on ways to protect our husbands and sons? Surely I’m not the only one rolling my eyes at the Hardee’s commercials!!! Please subscribe and share:)
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
When Life Is Supposed To Be Fun… But Isn’t
This is the time of year where it is supposed to be easy for gratitude to flow off your tongue. Family and friends get together often, Christmas cookies are exchanged, and gifts unwrapped. Everyone is in the Christmas spirit and strangers go out of their way to say,”Merry Christmas!” People don’t hide behind their hard outer shell this time of year. Everyone speaks and shakes hands.
But what if the fuzzy feelings aren’t there? What if God has your family going through a trial right now for one reason or another? This has been the case for my family this season, specifically for my grandma and great aunts. Two of my grandmother’s sisters were both in the hospital over Christmas. One of them recovering after a risky surgery and the other fighting for her life in a battle against cancer. They have been at the hospital hours each day. They even spent the night Christmas Eve in order to be close by when needed.
No life is not always fun. However, I feel it is the joyous times, when things are going great, that can help build us up when the storms of life threaten to shake our faith. On Christmas Eve we were able to reflect on funny memories, and bless one another that other wise would not have been able to happen. It’s never fun to have to go through the “grown up” stuff of this world, but on the other end is a growth and a deeper understanding of the Lord that we didn’t expect.
Even when life isn’t candy and rainbows, people who have the Lord like my family, have a hope no matter what the outcome is. It is God that binds us together in a way no one can explain.
When you find yourself in a place where life is just not fun. (Even if that’s dragging the kids to the store in the rain.) Remember that God is right beside you trucking along with you even when you feel all alone. He is always paving a way to something bigger and better. Rather it’s your kids driving you crazy with toys up to your ears, or a loved one in the hospital… nothing is too silly for God to show up.
James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be complete, not lacking anything.
Does anyone have any experiences that were tough, but drew you closer to God? Subscribe, share, and encourage!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
The Countdown
Alright y’all, I’ll admit that the Christmas spirit was no where in sight as I ran from store to store getting last-minute gifts. The countdown is on, and I was feeling the pressure. I have never waited this long to Christmas shop before…Never again. I’m sitting here tonight thinking about all of the things that got crossed off my list and I feel nothing but guilt. Did the guy at the checkout catch me rolling my eyes? Did the woman in the next store notice how short my words were? Did I even smile at her?
It’s no one’s fault but my own for my procrastination. The thing I have to remember is that God is still working amidst my imperfections. Who was I suppose to minister to today and didn’t? I am a firm believer that every single detail is orchestrated by God. He knew every store I would be in today and knew of every person I would pass. I am supposed to be Jesus. Today, I failed.
The great thing about this God we serve is that He is a God of grace and second chances. Tomorrow as the countdown to Christmas keeps ticking I am going to practice what I preach. I am going to keep God first so everyone else will fall in next with myself being last.
Please tell me I wasn’t the only one gritting my teeth today! Who’s with me for a better tomorrow? Here’s to making the most of the countdown…
The Need For Comradery
Comradery- The spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances.
I had a mom recently ask if I would like to hang out with her sometime to talk and get coffee. Her exact words were,” You know, just to talk, cry with someone. I just need a friend. I have been so overwhelmed lately.” Did she read my mind? (And probably the mind of many mothers out there) I said, “Yes! I would love to, I need a friend too!” How encouraging and refreshing it was to have another mother be so blunt and ask for a true friendship.
Ladies, the mediocre friendships are there. Yes, the husband and children are great. The house is picked up. We even made it to church three Sundays in a row. Yep, we have the small talk down pat. We have figured out how to paint the picture of the Proverbs 31 woman.
However, it’s the true comradery we are lacking and greatly need. I know technology has given us many conveniences we wouldn’t normally have, yet I believe mammas in many ways had it easier back in the day. It was the friendships that made the difference. It was unheard of for women to work outside the home. This gave them the advantage of being together more often. I picture that when they got together to let their children play that they knew more about each other than just the recipe they tried the night before. Instead they talked of their trials, tribulations, shared victories, and prayed for their husbands and children. If they were Christian women there was no bashing of husbands or talking of how their kids were driving them crazy, no… It was a vulnerability and a bearing of their soul. (There is a difference) A place where the other women would say, “Oh girl I’ve been there… this is what turned my marriage around or this is how I better loved my children.”
Yes we are women. We cry a lot, laugh a lot, and carry the weight of the world. But we can also leave a huge impact by simply speaking truth. Truth of God’s word, truth of failures, and truth of victories. The truth is we don’t always feel like smiling through this motherhood journey. True friends will carry us, encourage us, and remind us of God’s grace. That my friends is true comradery. Who’s with me?
Join me! Subscribe and share!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
Family Traditions
…Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people… Nicholas Sparks
Every year my family gets together to make Christmas cookies. It’s never anything fancy. Most of the time someone burns something or forgets an ingredient with a last-minute trip to the store. It’s always the same every year. It truly is the people who make the family traditions. I am so thankful for all of the people in the picture above and all of the others in the kitchen. (Especially for bringing me cookies to eat while I carried around a sick baby)
Here is a picture of the awesome cookies I made before the crowd came with my sister Lily.
Salted Chocolate Chip Carmel Cookies
I got this recipe off an awesome website I found through Pinterest called saorganics.com
2 cups + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 cup (1.5 sticks) salted butter, softened
1 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg, at room temperature
1 egg yolk, at room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
16 wrapped caramels, cut into 4 or 5 pieces each
sea salt
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Mix the flour and baking soda in a bowl and set aside.
With an electric mixer or stand mixer with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugars together. Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla and mix well. Gradually add the flour mixture and stir until a dough forms (may take a couple of minutes of stirring). Fold in the chocolate chips (do not add the caramels yet). Do not overmix the dough at any point in this process.
Chill dough for at least 30 minutes (or up to 5 days) in the refrigerator. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto ungreased baking sheet. Press a few pieces of caramel onto the tops of the cookies. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until edges are slightly browned. The centers should appear very soft and puffy. Sprinkle each cookie with sea salt while they are warm. Let cool completely and enjoy!
