The Most Important Work I’ll Ever Do
The most important work I’ll ever do…
is to teach them the Gospel.
is to cuddle with them on the couch.
is to kiss the scraped knee when they fall.
is to grab a chubby toddler out of his crib.
is to change another diaper.
is to nurse a newborn in the wee hours of the morning.
is to listen to a five-year old’s jokes.
is to read the Bible story again before bed.
is to dance like a ballerina with a three year old.
is to color in the “my little pony” coloring book.
is to tickle a rough little boy.
is to bathe a sweet-smelling newborn.
is to cook their favorites (pancakes and cornbread)
is to take them to church.
is to wipe another nose.
is to show them what this life is all about.
is to let them be kids.
is to be that example.
is to take them outside.
is to read to them.
is to show them Jesus all around.
is to protect their hearts.
is to show them how to have love and compassion.
is to do all this and so much more with a smile that proves these little people are the most important work I’ll ever have the chance to do on this earth.
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A Whole New Crazy
Let me tell ya, four kids 5 and under is a whole new kind of crazy! Just like with every new baby there are a lot of adjustments, and you wonder if life will ever be “normal again.”-or at least I always think that.
Through the fog of healing, feedings, and sleep deprivation the Lord has still shown me the beauty of a little life. With each child I have realized how quickly the stages pass by and I am trying with every ounce of my brain to memorize his newborn cry, soak in every grin in his sleep, and to hold onto the feeling of a head buried in my shoulder. I want to bottle up his newborn scent and carry it around for the rest of my life.
Although it’s a crazy time in life right now, and I’m wondering how in the world we will manage. I look at this sweet face and embrace this whole new kind of crazy.
As of Today…
As of today there are 8 days left until the finish line of your due date, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows the very second you will draw air into your lungs for the first time.
As of today I am feeling sweet arms and legs wiggle for room, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows when my arms will be extended to welcome you into this world.
As of today your face is only a sweet dream, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows when I can smell and kiss the sweetness.
As of today your sweet cry is only imagined, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows what my heart will do when I hear it for the first time.
As of today your big bother kisses my belly, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows when he will kiss you forehead for the first time.
As of today your Daddy leaned in asked how his boy was doing, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows when you will fall asleep on his chest for the first time.
As of today your sisters asked when you were coming, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows when their face will light up when they are told you are home.
As of today my arms are aching to cuddle your warm body, but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows how full my heart will be when the day arrives.
As of today I am thankful for life, blessings, and miracles; but my sweet baby Easton, only God knows how you will encompass them all and bring joy to our family.
As of today I am joyful, blessed, and ready for you sweet baby Easton. Thank you for all of the lessons you have already taught me and for always pointing me to God.
We love you…
Praise Them
Monday morning the kids and I were out running errands. To most we looked like a freak show. (9 month pregnant lady, grocery cart overflowing, a 5-year-old, 3-year-old, and 20 month old) At this point it was our third stop of the morning, so far so good, but you never know when the toddler meltdown will happen.
We made it to checkout when the manager came over to help. She said the words that every Momma craves to hear, “Wow, this is the way well behave children should act!” Yep! She was talking about MY kids?! I looked at them, saw them standing beside me at the buggy with smiles on their faces and I said, “Yes your right they are being very well-behaved.”
As I got to the car I was convicted and wondered to myself often I praise my children for a job well done. Even though that woman complimented my children I was the one beaming the rest of the afternoon. My point is, everyone needs the praise and encouragement to keep at it and keep going.
How often do we as moms grab the phone right when we get in the car to let our husbands know how terrible the kids acted in he store? I know I’m guilty of that a lot more than calling him to give a praise report. Ouch!
We have to remember that they are always listening. I want them to know that their momma believes in them and talks highly of them to other moms. I don’t mean to lie or talk about their accomplishments, but talk about their character and how God is going to use them. We have the power to speak truth into their lives. If they constantly hear me talking about the bad stories then that is what will infiltrate their mind and hearts.
Start today with me on giving well deserved encouragement and praise and see how differently they act. Let me know if you saw any changes!
Large Families (Do It Well)
I do not consider myself to have a large family yet. When our fourth baby arrives in a few weeks, I’m sure most people will say that we do. I have always been drawn to families with lots of children. They intrigue me. I wonder how the dynamics work, what systems they have in place to care for their children, and basically how they function on a day-to-day basis.
When you mention a family with lots of children to someone they typically think of two different scenarios. They imagine huge Christmas dinners with well mannered children laughing and story telling by the fire. Others may imagine a depleting bank, with rowdy dirty kids going unnoticed, left lonely and lost in the shuffle. Neither scenario is very accurate but both could be a close possiblity depending on how close you cling to God when growing your family.
Don’t get me wrong, raising even one child takes total dependence on the Lord, but logically the more children you have the easier it is to get lazy and turn a blind eye to issues that arise in your family. A very important thing that us parents of growing families (biologically or through adoption) is that we must constantly rely on the Lord to help us DO THIS JOB WELL. It isn’t just throwing your hands up when you give your fertility to the Lord and hoping for the best. If this is our calling we must give our 100% on a daily basis. We don’t just stop when we surrender our entire lives to Him. We must continually seek His guidance in every area. Think about it this way. Missionaries don’t just pray for God’s leading about what country to go to then stop relying on God when they get to their destination. We must remember that just because there are a lot of little bodies around our supper table our work has just begun. Our families are our mission field. Misconceptions of large families come from the ones who gave up trying to sharpen their arrows. We must stay diligent with each and every child that comes along.
Here lately I have been pondering on exactly what God wants me doing with these kids. During pregnancy it’s easy to get consumed with the tangible things you need for the arrival. What about the few months after when sleep deprivation is in full swing and there aren’t any more freezer meals in the freezer? Through all of the distraction I must stay true to my calling. TO RAISE THEM WELL FOR HIM. I felt led to write a little list to help keep me stay focused. I obviously will be adding on quite often…
Ways to do it well
1. Exemplify Jesus. Easier said than done huh? This is so powerful. Jesus said “Let the little children come to me.” Man, I’m convicting myself as I type this! How often do I tell them to give me five minutes of peace, or roll my eyes when they call my name for the gazilionth time? My arms need to stay open and ready for a small one to jump in no matter what time of day. Pretty easy for your arms to be open, but your heart has to be there too. The only way we can do this is constant PRAYER!
2. Let God’s goodness never be far from your lips. Talk about your blessings ALL THE TIME. The positivity will rub off on them and help you keep your head up too.
3. Discipline with diligence. This is equally as important as our job of holding and hugging them. In fact, discipline is another form of love. Don’t give in to the temptation to slack off because you are outnumbered and don’t have the time. Your only hurting yourself and the children in the long run. Weed out disobedience and defiant behavior as soon as you see it. Take your time with this, and when it pops back up weed it again and again. God does this with us continually.
4. Stretch your dollar and show them how to do it. Never talk about not having what you need, but talk of God’s providence each and every time another child was born. Show them what hard work really is and how to save and be good stewards. Prove to them that money is never a factor in God’s callings. Treat them more special then the paycheck.
5. Teach them how to give attention. Of course nothing compares to a parents love and affection, but when you teach your children to give it out to other siblings then someone is ALWAYS getting showered with attention. When or fourth is born they will have five other people to look after them, give them hugs and kisses and be their buddy.
6. Facilitate sibling relationships…I mean really work hard at it. Don’t leave disputes unsettled or let jealousy, anger, or selfishness take root in their hearts. What better way to learn to love this dying world than to start with the people you live with. Take the time to teach conflict resolution and how to be kind to one another and build each other up.
Do y’all have anything I can add to my list? I would love to hear how you do your job well or how your trying to:) Subscribe and share!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple,
Stop Entertaining Your Children!
Society tells us to do this craft, take them here and take them there. Don’t get me wrong these are all great things to do with our children. I have found that all of this activity may not be very beneficial. After a lot of entertainment my kids don’t know what to do with themselves when I’m not there throwing fun in there face. Honestly, I don’t like it. We may be young but my husband and I are pretty old school in how we raise our children. I want them to be creative and independent enough for me to open up the back door let them run out barefoot. I want to be able to yell, “Have fun, I’ll call ya when lunch is ready!” In the summer we do have days like that. They are wonderful. I think that all of the entertainment we feel forced to give our children is why so many women feel like they can only handle one or two children. They are running themselves ragged trying to keep them happy. It’s hard enough to keep up with children in general but nearly impossible to keep throwing excitement in their face all the time.
It’s easy to see it in adults every day. They are constantly looking for something to get into and can never seem to be satisfied. I often wonder if this is because of the endless activities they had as a child. It is sad to see someone never be content with just sitting or using their brain to be creative. I don’t want this for my children. I don’t want to have that kind of relationship with them to were they look to me to provide them with their entertainment. I also don’t want their fun to depend on rather they have friends around or not. I have very social children. I love them playing with their friends but the problem comes when they don’t know what to do with themselves when no one else is around.
A hard lesson for parents to learn is when you should say yes in order to encourage their creativity and let them find their own fun. It’s very easy to sit them in front of the TV or computer so we can have our eye on them all the time and know they are safe. What if we said yes to climbing the tall tree? What if we said yes to them being on the swing set learning how to climb the ladder and go down the slide by themselves? Are they gonna fall? Yep, probably so. But they are figuring it out for themselves and I am there in the distance if needed. I want to facilitate the learning and imagination not feed it to them with a spoon.
Yes, some days are long and tiresome. But when you have the ability to let them pretend, play, fall, run, and climb your job as the parent is the facilitator of them finding their own capabilities. I am not run ragged or filled with guilt because I didn’t take them to the movies or to a friend’s house. When we have days like that everyone unanimously says it was a great day even if there are a few more bruises:)
What do y’all think? Do you see the trend in constant entertainment in children too? It’s hard not to fall in the trap, but I am convinced it is the way childhood is meant to be. FREEDOM to figure it out and have fun the old-fashioned way! Subscribe and share!
Doing Too Much?
I was so completely convicted the other day by my five-year old. She bought me to tears, then prayer, then to a strong realization.
Allow me to explain….
The morning, in my eyes, was going pretty well. We did school time. I got some items ordered online we were needing and we were starting to knead some homemade bread I was making. All three of them love for me to give them flour and water so they can knead their own.
This is when things went down hill.
Everyone’s hands were covered in thick dough, including mine. Dough was spreading to cabinet handles, chairs, floors, kids hair, you name it. Bellies were starting to growl for lunch time accompanied by lots of whining with nap time lurking around the corner.
My patience was definitely running thin and I’ll admit I was more short than usual and probably seemed aggravated. But not the kind where I thought I was going to lose my mind. (I have been worse)
Once dough and hands were clean, lunch eaten, we all headed upstairs for rest time. I was laying the last one down when my five-year old comes back out of her room. I scolded her to get back in her room and I would be with her in minute.
When I went in she was sitting on her bed with her head down. She then asked, “Are you sick of us?” My heart broke… I said, “No of course not!” She asked, “Then why are you acting this way?” I told her I guessed I was grouchy but no matter how grouchy mommy got that I could never get sick of any of them! So I tucked her in, went in my room, and cried.
God showed me that through all my best intentions of schooling, projects, bread making, and life lessons, none of it mattered. All my little girl wanted was me. Ouch! I thought I was there and was doing all the right things, but in her perspective she couldn’t do anything right. I was taking all of the joy out of the day.
I have learned a huge lesson. I HAVE TO SLOW DOWN. The thought of her thinking that all because I am trying to get to the next task kills me. These precious souls are what matters. Not the home-baked goods, the homeschooling, or long life lessons. It is all about the relationships. When I can take the time to feed her soul with God’s truth and my love and attention that is when true success will take place in our day. So thankful for God stopping me in my tracks, even though it hurt!
The Value of a Mother
photo courtesy of imagerymajestic by free digital photos
I am writing this today, because like you, I feel inadequate. This job of mothering is too much sometimes. Every single time I’m down, I hear the sweet whispers from the Lord that remind me of who I am and what I am doing it for. He reinforces the calling that can so easily go dim. I hope to be an encouragement to all of us and give you the recognition of your amazing value in this world.
The value of a mother is of indescribable words, it can only be felt. Her definition spreads far from the woman who is traveling to pick up a beautiful adoptive daughter, the mom who pushed with all her might to give first breath to a newborn, to the Great Aunt that cuddles and watches movies. It is all a fierce love that no one can deny. It is innate and all apart of God’s brilliant design that brings on the character of a mother.
Her daily sacrifice is like no other. She eats last, to ensure their bellies are full. She goes to bed last making sure all are having sweet dreams. She is the first to wake up to ensure the day will run better than the day before. She is on her knees praying she doesn’t screw this up. She lets them have the drink she just poured…have the last piece of gum..the comfy seat in the living room…watch their favorite movie…listen to the radio station they like…snuggle when they need it…leave them alone if they need it…tie the shoe again…peel paper on another band-aid…be goofy when we don’t want to be… be serious when we have to be…hold back their hair when sick…wipe the bottom…brush the teeth…and still keep smiling…or at least thinking we should be.
Her love moves mountains. She can inspire beauty in the ordinary with a fort and a batch of cookies. She can melt a stubborn heart with a whisper in their ear saying, “Your my girl right?” She can calm the loudest cry and dry the heaviest tears. She mends broken hearts and spirits. Her voice delivers confidence that they can do it all. Her words are like a healing balm to the scars of this life. Her touch is gentle yet shows belonging. Her listening ear is by far the best remedy for bad days. She believes all, sees all, loves all, and is determined to make her children’s life better than her own. To give them opportunities and show them the open doors God has created in their life. Yes, she paves the way and stands behind them when they move those mountains.
No matter what this Monday brings, remember your value in God’s eyes. He put these children in your life for a reason and uses our every move to shape and mold them. Even if we screw it all up again today, His mercies are new every morning. Look to Him, asking for what you need today for your calling. You do not go unnoticed, every single act you are doing is for the Lord and He remembers it all. Your precious, worthy of the calling, saved by grace, and way stronger than you think because of He that is in you. Keep it up momma!
A special thanks to all women in my own family who have had a part in building character in my children’s life and helping me to sharpen these arrows. Love you all!
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Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
Super Mom
I found this beautiful quote on Pinterest the other day….
“Give me patience when little hands tug at me with ceaseless small demands. Give me gentle words and smiling eyes, to keep my lips from hasty sharp replies. Let not fatigue, confusion or noise obscure my vision of life’s fleeting joys. So when the years to come my house is still, beautiful memories its rooms may fill.”
This has been so fitting for the past couple of days. Here in the south we don’t get snow often, so when it does we go digging for every hat, glove, and jacket we own to go outside for maybe 10 minutes before running back in. If your my children they last maybe 3.5 minutes. I’m telling y’all I pulled off and on wet clothing ALL DAY from these youngins. They were having so much fun, but my patience was running thin. I remember looking at them and telling them, “Please don’t ask me to do anything else, do y’all think I’m super mom or something?” They just looked at me puzzled. I realized that yes, they do think I’m super mom. They think nobody can do it like me! Me, of all people they put every expectation and demand on with complete faith knowing I will take care of them. Even something as small as putting Barbie’s dress on for the millionth time. It’s her need.
All aggravations aside when you think about it, it is truly an honor to be that to someone else. Rarely in a lifetime to people get that kind of faith and admiration, but I do every single day. Though the pressure is tough and the demands are great I must be doing something right or they would have quit asking me:) Remember that today when you reach 10:00am and are already on your millionth request of the day. They think your super mom!
Lord give me patience to commit to doing this job and it entails to the best of my ability. I pray I will always be that person they can count on to do it all and show them where my strength truly comes from.
When The Dishes Don’t Wash Themselves
You see it in every inspirational momma magazine, devotional, blog, Facebook, and Pinterest quotes. You know, all the sayings about leave your dirty dishes in the sink and rock your babies. Then there is the one about leaving the cobwebs and dust to read to your children and build a fort or play candy land. I love all of these sweet reminders of how to view motherhood. In fact, I wholeheartedly agree that it is about all of the small moments of mothering that build these little souls into God-fearing men and women. But…the question I ask is…
When the heck do you ever wash those dishes in the sink that have been piling up? They aren’t going to wash themselves. I am not super OCD with my house being clean but it NEEDS to be functional and tidy to just keep on living. There are so many great resources out there about cleaning schedules for your home, list of activities to do with your kids, how to prepare amazing dishes every night on a budget, so on and so on. What about how to do all of that??? There are no books or blogs about doing it ALL. Sure there are some that talk about getting up early or staying up later only to find other opinions that explain the importance of rest so you are refreshed for your children. Let’s face it there aren’t near enough hours in the day to even come close to fulfilling all of the requirements we put on ourselves.
For a little honesty, I compare myself to others sometimes but most of the time I compare myself to this idea of who I think I should be in my head. It is a constant battle going on of trying to decide the best way to utilize my time. For example, the other day I let my oldest stay awake during nap time to finish up some school stuff and read to her. To make that decision was tough! Y’all I LOVE nap time. My mind needs those few moments of quiet to help me make it through the later part of the day. We ended up having such a great time together that I was thinking I needed to let her stay up more often. Here I am the very next day with every kid upstairs in their beds while I type fiercely about all of these thoughts that encircle my poor brain all day.
As I type out all my thoughts I am seeing that there really is no right or wrong here. Sometimes the dirty dishes need to stay put, other times I need to tell them, “Go find something else to do I have some work to get done.” It’s decisions that can only be made in the moment. One thing I know for sure is how greatly I need the grace of God for the momma guilt that seems to seep in no matter what decision I make and for the discernment to make the right decisions.
For some of you reading this it may seem so trivial. You that I would have all day to accomplish this so what’s the big deal? For others you see right where I am coming from. We aren’t just raising kids to say yes ma’am and thank you. Its sooo much more than that. We are raising men and women of God, leaders, and Jesus followers. It’s hard not to crack under the pressure this is a BIG deal. I am confident that with every calling He equips us with everything we need to do the job well.
In conclusion I have no solid advice to offer except to tune into God and do the next thing He has on the list. He very well may be telling you to get those dishes clean!
Are you right there with me talking to yourself all day? I hope so! Subscribe and share!
