Don’t Let Christians Get In The Way



Don’t let me, as a Christian, get in the way of Jesus.


Don’t watch me grind my teeth at my children and forget the grace God gives me everyday.


Don’t pay any attention if you see me roll my eyes at my husband and forget that what God  joined together nothing can separate.


Please don’t think you “caught me” when you see me throwing back a glass of wine on a date night with my husband. I serve a God that gives me freedom from legalistic laws.


Don’t listen when I stub my toe and accidentally say “shit” instead of “shoot”. Remember, the God I serve forgives and remembers no more.


Don’t watch the gossipy church ladies fighting over a gift card at the women’s Christmas dinner…yeah it really happened….not all “church people” are like that.


Don’t shake your head at me when I played hooky from church. My God sees my heart and knows every thought. He is with me rather I am at church or not.


Then again…I hope you DO watch me. Watch my mistakes, failures, aggravations, and plain old bad days. Watch me as God picks me up over and over again. Watch as He covers my failures and reveals His mighty hand through my crazy life. Listen to His voice amidst the broken vessel I am. Notice the light between the broken pieces that God is shining on you.


No,  my life is not perfect, but God is.


Don’t let us Christians get in the way of you seeing who Jesus really is. He isn’t in the business of only giving blessings to front church pew believers . He isn’t a God  of excessive rules and regulations. He isn’t a far off being that we have to climb to reach.


He is freedom. He is there. He is the blessing.



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