It’s All In The Surrender

To surrender, to yield, to submit, to give oneself.


What happens when we fully surrender our plans our dreams, our future, our life to God?


Take it a step further… What happens when we surrender the day, the minute, the second to His almighty plan?


This is where I have been living. Attempting to surrender the daily life, the mundane.


The big stuff, well, that’s easy for me. Perhaps it’s because I am in the thick of it right now. It is simple to utter the words, “Lord lead us, guide us,” and trust He is taking us to great places in the palm of His hand.


It is the here and now He is looking for. The simple, yet uncomfortable submission and giving of myself over and over again.


I am learning ever so slowly to submit my need for order and “easy days.” To give up my sleep, my body, my time, and need for control.


I am seeing it is all for good.


Life is relentless. Just when you think you have it figured out, another curve ball comes your way. With a daily, minute by minute surrender comes an overflow of peace. Every second was ordained and I am only to simply follow.


This power struggle between me and God, quite frankly, it is wearing me out. Over time it will do the same to you.


I encourage you today, whatever you are walking through…infertility, a huge pile of laundry, a torn marriage, a sleepless newborn, hopeless finances, a teething baby, juggling work and home, whatever it is…


Give it over every second of the day. His plans are great, and oh my the clarity and relief when I don’t have to have it all figured out.


The distractions become divine interventions.




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One Response to It’s All In The Surrender

  • Jen says:

    Galatians 6:9

    And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

    Keep up the good fight!