A Dream For Simplicity
Photo by Tvelekza/freedigitalphotos.net
The idea of simplicity at times can look like a far off, unobtainable dream. Most want it and have a vision for what it looks like, but can’t push the stack of odds away to fall into the sweetness of it.
Simplicity is clarity. Removing away the distractions for a better view of what’s directly in front. It’s accessibility to relationships between the people who make a family.
It takes an effort to ease into the integrity of simplicity. To move past the walls of complication to reveal the openness of having less.
The having less to gain more.
The guide to this idealistic lifestyle? Contentment.
Simplicity and contentment go hand in hand.
It’s peace and fulfillment in the simple things of life and working hard to stay that way.
Let’s show our children what this world has to offer without all the fluff and educate them on this art. The art of seeing a lot in a little and holding onto those things without compromising.
Where do you rest in contentment? Do you feel this is a skill worth passing on to future generations? Subscribe and share:)
Tips To Stay Full
Photo by Parisa191/freedigitalphotos.net
I recently wrote a post about the importance of us mommas avoiding depletion as we constantly pour our lives into our families. A reader suggested I make a list of tips for staying full of life, or the good stuff you could call it, in order to continue giving our families the best.
I’ll start with one of the many times in my life when I had allowed myself to, simply stated, fall apart. This was about 9 months ago. Y’all, I was struggling.
Let me set the scene. My fourth baby was about 7 months old. We were in the full swing of home school, the baby still nursed around the clock, he didn’t sleep at night or for naps, and was HIGH MAINTENANCE. There just wasn’t much that made that little guy happy. At the time, I was also packing and planning our first Disney trip. This is something we had looked forward too for so long and diligently saved our money for. I was trying so hard to put on a happy face.
Typically once my other children hit the 6 month mark I would start to feel somewhat functional again. This time, that didn’t happen. I optimistically kept thinking, OK things are about to turn around…Hopefully the Disney trip will kind of reset us if you will. Boy, was I wrong.
The trip was amazing! The children did great and we all had a lot of fun. But then, there was the,” AFTER TRIP.” Every child including my husband and I stayed sick for an entire 2 and a half months. From urgent care trips, around the clock nebulizer treatments, to the time we tried to get out of the house and feel normal and a little one puked in the back seat.
I came head on with a mini depression. I had the past several months of overdoing it with a fussy infant in my back pocket, along with 4 sick children 6 and under for almost three months to put me over the edge. If I had taken the steps to take care of myself during those times of learning my baby then I feel as though I would have been better equipped to care for my sick babies. I was a mess. I was crying all the time, exhausted, weak mentally and physically, and felt like I was going crazy. This all may seem so trivial, but when you’re in the thick of it you feel like you’ll never climb out.
I decided I had to do something to get that old, full of life Brittany back. It started slow, but with help from God I was able to clear the fog that I had let settle in my mind and find a home.
Here is how I did it.
– I prayed little prayers. I’ll be honest, I remember telling my husband, “I don’t want to pray or read my Bible!” Deep down I knew that there was healing in that. I would pray simple prayers all day such as, “Help me make it through this day” or even in frustration, “Ugh just please let something go right today!” God has the situation, it’s just hard to see it at the time.
This is why we must walk closely with God for the inevitable times like this. His powerful word and communication are so transforming when you’re in a valley and are pertinent to staying full for all of the curve balls of life!
-I got off my butt. As soon as nap time would start (Even though for the baby that was maybe 5 minutes) I would run out the door as fast as I could down the cul-de-sac and back. It didn’t matter if I had on flip-flops and jeans with my hair down blowing in the wind. This refreshed my soul. I’m not sure how, but it helped.
I wasn’t strong enough physically when all of the sickness came because I hadn’t prepared myself. I wasn’t staying active, so when my family went down I went with them.
-I started taking some vitamins. I had not been taking care of myself while nursing. I was depleted nutritionally and that only added to everything else.
We have to realize we are only going to feel as good as the food we put in our mouth. If your anything like me, that handful of chocolate chips sure does help when the kids are acting like a bunch of wild people. I had to keep reminding myself that long-term I wasn’t doing myself or them any favors through the indulgence of my sweet tooth.
-I stopped taking life so serious. I can’t tell you how many times I had to throw on some music and just dance it out, running man and all. In fact I have a video I took of the baby on my hip screaming while I’m dancing around in the kitchen to, “I will survive.”
Perspective will help you see your glass as half full. Really! When we tell ourselves, “One day at a time,” or try to point out any good through the day we will naturally stay ahead of the game.
-I talked to my momma and my husband a lot. Poor things! They literally just listened to me whine, offered encouragement when needed, and validated my feelings.
A support system is crucial to set up. We women love to talk. Find others you can have deep meaningful conversations with. Add to the goodness of each others lives. It’s so good for the soul. When life throws you a curve ball you have some ears to listen and talk it out to.
-Read some good books. I grabbed some motherhood books and got lost in them. This helped me keep my mind off everything going wrong around me.
When we get some good books going we are able to get fresh ideas, and gain new perspectives. It takes some habit-forming to keep a book close by. This is something I have been working on to help stretch my brain.
I will be going back and adding to this list. I may even do a little video about it:) If you have any tips you use please share! This is a small list that has helped me in big ways. Everyone’s list will look different.
Take care of yourselves mommas! That’s one of the best gifts we can give our children. Let your life run over.
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Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You, Proverbial homemaker, Just another Mom, The Life of faith, What Joy is Mine, Simple Life of a Fire Wife, Refelctions, Morsels of Life, Our Family Grace, Table For Seven, Yes Theyre All Ours The multitasking mommy Nourishing Joy,Hip Homeschool moms, Time Warp Wife,
Why I Want You To Home School Too
Photo by Adamr/freedigitalphotos.net
It’s no surprise that I’m super excited about home schooling. My passion only continues to grow as time passes.
As I get into my homeschooling groove I notice it has a language all on its own. There are styles, techniques, and numerous types. The reasons are as diverse as the mommas. You’ve got the footloose and fancy free kind, the militant, and everything in between.
We have freedom to be any flavor of home school we like. Its great! But…I confess that I have a hard time talking mommas into taking the leap.
It’s easy to talk people into doing something easy, assuring them its a shortcut to something else, or will give them more free time.
Unfortunately, I would be lying through my teeth If I were to tell you that were true with homeschooling. It’s not always easy, there are some short cuts but they aren’t worth taking, and your free time will dwindle exponentially.
But, Oh my goodness the joys that come along with it are more to count. The reading aloud, the inside jokes, the curiosity, the first words read, the walks. You get to be there for it all, a front row seat.
So that’s why I say to do it, give it a try! You wont regret it. The memories, the creations, and yes even the frustrations are worth it. I want you to experience and see the blessing for yourself. Walk down the road of discovery, let them watch you live life and see what it’s all about. Don’t miss out!
There is no right or wrong way to go about it. You get to adjust it for your family and dive in whenever you see fit. No, you don’t have to wear a jumper or scrunchie in your hair. But you certainly could if you wanted:)
What would you say to all those mommas on the fence? Subscribe and share! Join us on Facebook and Pinterest!
Some Randomness
Alright y’all. Don’t laugh too hard at me here but let me know what you think of my idea:)
The Pouring
Photo by Dan/Freedigitalphotos
We empty, we pour, we ebb, we flow, we exhaust, we purge every drop of life-giving element till there is nothing left.
As a mother it’s easy to give with little ones under foot. They are always taking, pulling, tugging, capturing it all. The good, bad, and the ugly.
There must be a shift.
We must ensure we are full of the best God provides for us to offer. Rather we are pouring or they are simply stripping what’s left of us, let it be beautiful and full of life and sacrifice without depletion.
We must be purposeful about staying filled to the brim, well fed, satisfied, intense, deep and strong bodied.
Through hard lessons learned, it’s time we replenish what has been emptied in order to pour out. To pour into the lives of our family when the world attempts to deplete them. When we do this we bless, uplift, comfort, and are able to allow our cups to run over to the people who need it most.
The practicality behind it? We’ve got to get our thirst quenched with the Word of God, we have to mentally hand our burdens, anxiety, and worries to the hands that gave it all. We must move our bodies, drink water, read some good stories, laugh, cry it out, dance it out, talk it out, live it out.
Who’s with me? Any secrets on staying full? Subscribe and share! Join in on Facebook!
The Intertwining
Photo courtesy of arztsamui/freedigitalphotos
A marriage. Two souls embedded into one another for eternity. It’s a constant braid being formed, an intertwining of the dreams, expectations, happiness, mess, ideas, insecurities, and love.
Why do we allow our beautiful tapestry of love to become frayed at the ends?
Let’s keep our knots tight. Let’s be intertwined so tight they we can no longer tell who is who, it becomes one. All for the common good.
We must live for the interlacing. Each thinking of the other person’s strand. Don’t be afraid when their life overlaps yours. It’s apart of the process.
Let’s keep it beautiful with the heart ache and scars only adding character along the way. Allow no strand to fall apart.
Keep with it, keep working, keep creating, keep protecting, and live for their strand.
My Default
It’s a struggle. Every day I would fight. Fight against my God given default.
I would look in admiration at what I felt was the typical organized home school momma. I did everything I could to mimic her. I thought her actions were superior and thus would be my keys to success. She had the beautiful planner completely filled out with every child’s home school lesson, appointments, cleaning schedule, and date night. Meanwhile, I’m over hear drowning in sticky notes on top of my expensive planner with papers coming out of the side. Her plans are etched in pen all the same color or perhaps even color coded, best off all, she always knows where her pen is. She isn’t like me. She doesn’t go looking for it when it is stuck in her hair. I’m sure hers always has ink too.
Her home school day is filled with 30 minute increments of crafts and academic success. Not one subject is missed. On the other hand you have me… “Let’s read a chapter out of one of our favorites….Hmm let me scrub that toilet real quick…Hey! Who wants to go outside?…Let’s read some history…Let me throw that load of laundry in…Oh yes! Who wants to make some cookies?” Sigh, I’m all over the place.
This successful woman rises to her alarm clock before the rest of her family. She drinks her water, exercises, reads the Bible, and glances at her planner of what her day will entail. I however have the same plan in my head, but more than likely you will find me with coffee in hand sitting on the porch with my other early risers.
I’ve been called it all. The girl who flies by the seat of her pants, too laid back, disorganized, type B, you name it. I have fought against all of this with every ounce of my being ever since I started having children, but have only walked away in frustration.
It has been a process, but I am slowly starting to let it go. I believe that God knew each one of my children needed a hippy momma who couldn’t follow a schedule to save her life. He knew I needed them and each of their quirky personalities. We are no surprise to Him. We are what you would call tailor-made for each other, a perfect fit.
I have started to embrace the way God made me. Since I have begun to this we have continued to grow in peace in our home. I am letting go of the guilt and lingering on the porch a bit longer. I am convinced that my craziness will produce well rounded, go with the flow kind of kids:)
How about you? What is your God given default button? What traits and talents do you naturally bring to your family?
Give it a try, don’t fight it, and see what happens. Ask God to sharpen what He has already given you and to help you to see all the ways you benefit your family!
What Is Life?
I am a thinker. I am a ponderer. I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. This week has been no exception.
It seems as though the typical cycle continues. The string of events sail through the air with sweet smells and memories until the wind dies down and doubts, heart ache, and burdens grow heavier on tired shoulders.
I have been tossing around the question “What is life?” “Am I being a good steward with what I’ve been given?”
The sweet, optimistic side of me tells me life is about savoring the moments. The family cookouts at Granny’s, long phone conversations with my mom, the porch swing with my love after the children are asleep, their sweet arms around my neck, waking early, staying up late, first lighting bugs…I could go on and on of the richness and sweetness that God allows me to experience on a daily basis.
Through this past week the Holy Spirit has been stirring in my heart and soul just as He always does. I am seeing that though the sweetness of flying above the clouds are in fact God’s blessings…even more so are the struggles, challenges, and heart ache.
When we face those things perspective begins to shift. All we see are people, relationships, and togetherness. When it is all said and done how we love others, support them, and show them Jesus are THE ONLY THING LIFE IS ABOUT AND WORTH LIVING FOR. As believers what we do has eternal value, WE ARE ETERNAL. The entire purpose of God breathed life is to impact the world for Him and bring them to eternity.
When we can fully grasp this, and wrap our brain around it then we can see that the hard times are not in vain. They are only glimpse of perspective of eternity. God pulls us closer all the more to share the secrets of a truly fulfilled life. Love as He loved every. single. day. in every circumstance.
I don’t want to finish my life neat and manicured. I want to be spent up, used up, hair a crazy mess, every last bit of me used for His sake. That’s my answer, that’s what I want my life to be about.
A Sweet Morning
This morning started off the same as most mornings. Sneaking out of bed, tiptoeing so no one awakes. I took that first sip of morning coffee, thanked the Lord for the morning, then heard the baby’s cry along with the pitter patter of feet.
It’s the same thing every day, with a constant changing dialogue in my head.
Regrettably, some mornings I want everyone to leave me alone. Some of them, I am so busy thinking of what needs to get done that I’m scribbling notes as they sit on my lap. Other mornings, I’m already switching laundry or on the phone when they wake up to start their day.
But not this morning.
God gave me an extra heaping scoop of patience and grace this morning. Actually, He always gives it, but I don’t always take it.
It was nothing special by any means but it was thoroughly enjoyed. The breakfast, the mess, the school on the deck, the dress up clothes, the fussy baby that fell asleep on me, the swing set, the fresh strawberries, and all of the memories made.
If only we could always settle into the sweetness of the ordinary yet God given moments. How differently would we live?
Here are some random accounts of the sweetness. A 1 year old who can climb up the slide. Queen Elsa teaching Piggy how to zip line. Princess Anna swinging with her miniature Princess Anna, and a swinging fire chief:)
I Am Giving Up
I am giving up on this dreamy fairy tale we call motherhood. This entire year I have been pushing on every side to fit us into this pretty wrapped box complete with a handmade bow with time for coffee afterwards.
It. Has. Been. Exhausting.
I am throwing in the towel, I can’t do it. Done, done, and done.
Let me reveal the messiness of true motherhood. There are no beautiful morning rituals with coffee and Bible. There are no guaranteed glorious nap times. There aren’t always children playing and laughing together. Most days school time isn’t filled with nature walks and read alouds on the porch. Most nights it’s not over just because it’s bedtime. Schedule, what schedule?
The thing is, I’m giving up in order to gain.
There are far too many uncontrollable factors. What I give up selfish perfectionism I gain in beautiful perspective. Really, its refreshing and straight from a good God who desires me to experience joy in doing His work.
This is my life.
Unpredictable, busy, chaotic, full, beautiful, messy, sweetly simple, lovely, and everything I could have ever dreamed of.
Ladies, it’s time to give it up.
