Just Follow
I want to thank every one for all of your support and prayers y’all gave me when I wrote about how I was loosing it with my crazy hormones. That night I poured my heart out to God, cried, and was determined to feel better. I did feel some relief as we left church that night but still woke up the next morning in a bit of a funk. I think I prayed all day long for God to help me and to calm me down. It wasn’t instant but as I spoke to Him all day I could feel my heart beginning to soften and some joy returning in its place. I have had to remind myself over and over to let go and let God.
At church this weekend God sent a very powerful message to me. It was about the verse in the Bible where Jesus is calling His disciples. He says Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. The pastor shared that it has been said by many scholars (rather true or not I’m not sure) that the disciples didn’t truly believe Jesus was the Son of God until they had been following Him for nearly two years. He explained that it is easy as Christians to simply say “Yep I believe”…but we never truly follow. We want to still do things our own way.
He made a profound statement. Sometimes you just have to follow and the believing will come later. I know this seems absurd, but I could completely relate to that. I am constantly questioning God about His ability to take care of us financially when more children come, questioning my ability to care for them the way they should be cared for, questioning if He is really there. But… I do follow, blindly actually. My husband and I have felt so many convictions and we know we are where He wants us but we have a hard time always believing that we are going to be OK. He said that if you just follow where He leads than you WILL believe. He will make a way and always walks side by side hand in hand with us.
So I want to shout from the rooftops…Its OK to be scared and wonder if it’s all going to work out, follow God anyways. You wont be disappointed. Your faith will be richer and He will make you something better than you could have ever imagined. He said “FOLLOW ME AND I WILL MAKE!”
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple,
My Testimony Against Religion
Let me get right to the point before my title gets me in trouble!
I asked Jesus into my heart when I was five years old while laying in my bed one night. I grew up in a Christian home and went to a Christian school until high school. I was a good girl and always tried to do the right thing. I grew up trying to pray, read my Bible, and follow all the rules. I truly had the right heart as a child behind all of my actions.
It was probably around 5th -6th grade when I started questioning the things that were being taught. It wasn’t God’s word, His truths, or Christianity I was questioning. It was all of the rules and regulations that the school I attended taught and some of the teachings from my church that I was questioning. I wasn’t mature enough in my faith to know that a lot of their regulations weren’t Biblical. Looking back, in my opinion, they were just a bunch of nonsense religious rules.
In 5th grade we had a Bible study on cartoons like Tom and Jerry and how those were bad. We were made to where dresses or skirts everyday. In 7th grade I had to go to the principles office multiple times due to my skirt not coming to my knees. If the school heard about us going to a movie or concert we would be in trouble. They never taught us the why of anything. There was no mention of modesty or pure thoughts. Just a finger shaking at us. These are just few examples in a big picture of legalism and religion that I started to rebel against.
As I got older into my preteen and then my high school years, adults were unable to keep things hidden as well. There were teachers having affairs, as well as people in authority acting inappropriately but still making you feel as though you weren’t worthy. We walked on pins and needles all the time. The ones who didn’t got kicked out of school.
When I hit high school I figured they were all a bunch of hypocrites. I really didn’t want to go to church, pray, or read my Bible. I still believed and loved God with all my heart, but couldn’t live up to the pressure. Sadly, I did my share of drugs and alcohol. I was still one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. I honestly believe that it is only because God had His hand on me and was still working on me and able to use me.
When my Dad walked out on our family my faith in people crumbled. Everyone was only out for themselves and wanted to point out why the person beside them was wrong.
When I married my sweet heart at 18 God slowly started working on this rebellion that had developed in my heart. The past 5- 6 years have been a radical growth with God for me. He has taught me so much about what being a follower of Christ is really all about. I hope all the rest I will share can be an encouragement as to what it really means to accept Jesus as Lord of your life.
I see it over and over. People don’t want to go to church or hear anything Christians have to say because they call us hypocrites. I don’t blame you one bit. It’s true we have become just that. You have Christians yelling about gay marriage all the while they are committing adultery. Religion and opinions have snuck into the place where GOD should be. I am here to say that this God we serve is a loving, forgiving, and merciful God. He is not up there sitting out hoops for us to jump through in order to make Him happy. When we try to please the Lord and make Him love us more we have missed the point entirely. There is NOTHING we can do to make Him love us more. He died the most terrible death imaginable for us before we ever even knew Him.
So here is the truth about me and this mighty loving God I serve. I missed three Sundays in a row…so what, He still loves me. I haven’t read my Bible in a week…so what, He still loves me. I said the word shit instead of shoot…so what, He still loves me. I am throwing the obligations I feel out the window and focus on the only thing that matters JESUS! Let Him lead and guide you to peace.
If you are a Christian reading this then lets stop talking so much and start living it out. These non Christians stopped listening a long time ago but they are always watching. Walk humbly when you mess up, because you will. And put that finger away when they mess up. Give patience, love, and forgiveness. That’s what Jesus did.
If you are not a Christian and are reading this. Don’t put your faith in us. We will let you down every time. Look to Jesus for your answers and your peace. He has been there waiting for you even if you were drunker than a skunk last night, He is there. Take His hand and let Him show you what He is really about. You will not be disappointed.
As of today I am happier than I’ve ever been and it’s only because of Gods strength in me. He gives me strength to stand up and speak when I need to and strength to lower my head, be quiet, and ask for forgiveness. I follow Christ no one else. He is my standard of living. For the rest of my life I only want to speak of goodness.
My convictions and rules for my family now are straight from the word of God and what I feel the Holy Spirit is leading me to do.
Questions? Comments? Subscribe and join me on this walk against religion and lets get back to what it is really about… Jesus!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
Birth Control, Fertility, and My Testimony
I have always been a run with the wind, passionate kind of person. I can remember even as a child feeling inspired and running full speed ahead. I was bound and determined at the age of maybe 8 or 9 that I was going to build a church and share the gospel to all the ends of the earth. I would pickup land magazines at grocery stores and restaurants and search endlessly to find the perfect piece of land to build my church. Even typing that out I’m thinking,”Man I was a weird kid.” I still feel like this is my calling. You may not be following me here, but read to the end and you’ll see where my heart is.
I am feeling extremely vulnerable to share with every one all I am about to say. This has become a huge testimony for me that I have shared with very few people. Some of this may be TMI (too much information) but I want to share everything the Lord has shown me and how He directed our steps to where we are today.
After 4 yeas of marriage at the age of 22 I became pregnant with our first baby. The flood of emotions were instant. I loved my pregnancy and enjoyed every moment. My life has never been the same since that beautiful baby girl was born. I felt for the first time that this was what I was made for. It wasn’t always dreamy motherly affection, but I loved that baby a love like no other.
After she was born at my six-week postpartum appointment my OB had my prescription for birth control ready. I don’t remember her ever asking me about it. It was more like “Here is your prescription for the same birth control you were on before.” I didn’t think a thing about it and went on my merry way.
A year later I became pregnant with baby #2. I enjoyed that pregnancy just as much as the first except for the fact I now had a toddler running me ragged. The world around me, in a way, was already molding my mind into thinking two was all I could handle. I started to get a lot of the “Oh you just wait till…” statements. They all ended bad.
My second baby girl was born 21 months after my first. My love for her was just as deep, but let me tell ya I had to remind myself of that once we got her home. She cried… a lot. Going from one to two was a huge adjustment. I began to think every one was right!
When I went for my six-week checkup the IUD was the new fad. I mentioned it to my husband and we were both like, “Heck yeah!” I didn’t even know if I wanted any more at all. I was told it would prevent pregnancy for 5 years. I was ready to have myself back. My body, my time, and sleep. I couldn’t wait for them to get older so I could go to the gym, coffee dates with friends, shopping, sleeping in etc…(This sweet little girl is now the most loyal, love you like no other kid I’ve ever met)
Then… there was a small moment that I will never forget. Nothing huge with fireworks, but it is what I believe was a real word from the Lord amidst chaos. The planting of a seed into what He would transform me to be…
My husband and I were sitting on the deck talking about life, money, kids, jobs, the normal stuff. We were saying something along the lines of being in God’s will and praying about things. Then, it suddenly came to me out of nowhere. I said out loud, ” You know, I never even prayed to God about getting this IUD put in.”
At the time I was aggravated with my situation and was going to put a stop to this craziness in my life. Now, a wave of guilt and conviction came over me. I felt horrible about not thinking it through. To have something foreign in your body to prevent a normal function God created and calls a blessing… preventing life. Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”
Up to this point I had never thought about it this way. To the world’s standards I was responsible and doing the right thing. Through a lot of prayer, over the course of the next several months the Lord slowly began changing my heart. I asked for patience, guidance, and to see the children I had through His eyes. This was still a very private issue for me, yet I was already feeling a transformation take place.
I got my IUD taken out probably around 6 months later. Mainly due to all of the health risk that I found out on my own. (not from my OB ) Through the transformation God started, we started thinking, “Ok, maybe we can handle one more baby.” Praise the Lord we were able to conceive quickly again. This is the pregnancy that truly opened our eyes. By the grace of God I was able to see them for what they truly were…blessings. I couldn’t help but think how I tried everything in my power to prevent this miracle from happening again. I started questioning everything I had ever been taught about children, birth control, and family planning. I started seeing things in a whole new light.
I will never forget the night I was going to share my heart with my husband. Honestly, I was assuming he was going to laugh and that would kind of be the end of it. I was wrong.
Turns out God had slowly been working on his heart as well. Although the thought of not using birth control scared him to death he saw where I was coming from. Slowly throughout my pregnancy the Lord showered patience, understanding, a calling, and confidence into our lives. Toward the end of my third pregnancy we both gave our fertility to the Lord. We decided that if we were going to trust Him with our finances, location to raise our family, and our jobs, then why not our children. Over and over the Bible calls them blessings. I believe that, and we want as many as He will give us.
On June 14th 2012 our first son was born 2 years after our second child. Let me say, this is the most joyous baby I have EVER been around. To think… I almost never had him. I almost never gave him the chance to be something great for God. I almost didn’t give his sisters a baby brother. I almost didn’t give his daddy a chance to play ball with his boy. I almost missed out on a lot more love. For what? Because I thought my sleep was more important. I thought my vacations would be more glamorous. I thought a toned, stretch mark free belly would make me happier.
As of today I am 6 months pregnant with our second son. He is the first baby that was conceived without us trying to interfere with dates, numbers, and calendars. He came out of our love for each other in God’s perfect timing. It is the most freeing thing to know that you have given over control to the most sovereign creator of the universe. Why do we think we know better anyways? He is the one who sees the future.
On to my whole building a church dream… God is fulfilling that calling right now.
These children that we are trying to raise diligently for God are my church. We are constantly on our knees telling God the needs of our church and thanking Him for growing our church when He sees fit. My husband is the pastor and leader and I am simply the Sunday school teacher. We are open 24/7. Between my children, and some day my grandchildren, and great children this church God has used me for could grow quicker than anything I would have built at the age of 10. The people in this church have potential to spread God’s love to the ends of the earth. It all starts right here and right now.
I would encourage anyone if they have ever questioned why our society thinks a certain way about children…ask God what He thinks about it. Don’t take my word for it, but it will blow you away. I plan on posting a lot more on this subject since this is where my life is at right now. If anyone has any questions, or curiosities, don’t hesitate to ask.
If you want to stay up on our journey through all this please subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
Photo credit Pixabay
No Greater Joy…
November 30th 2013,
Today, at the kitchen table, dressed as Cinderella with her crown on, my first-born gave her life to Jesus. At that moment angels sang, a name was written, and the Holy Spirit removed the sin and entered that sweet innocent heart of hers. Her prayer was so simple, beautiful, and life changing. She told me that she knew Jesus died on the cross for her. She believes Jesus became alive again three days later, and she knows she is going to heaven. No hesitations or questions. I am humbled and stand in amazement to see her child like faith in action.
I have failed countless times but God is always faithful and fills in the numerous gaps I create. To know that He has been pursuing her and speaking to her despite all of my imperfections amazes me. God truly uses my children to mold me, sharpen me, and to see Him through fresh eyes. To see Him for what He truly is…our Saviour. He has sanctified me through them and reveals Himself in such mighty ways. He is giving me glimpse of the fruit my children will produce, and it makes me want to cling to God that much tighter to keep watching the fruit grow.
3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” I have experienced this first hand today and it leaves me motivated and determined to speak and live truth every single day. Thank you God for a very blessed day!
Celebrating at Krispy Kreme with delicious doughnuts!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
Why Have Children?
The thought of having more than one or two children puzzles many people. Unless of course the first two were the same-sex then it might be acceptable to try one more time. They don’t understand it, and have been brainwashed by society to see them as a hindrance and burden. They think, “Who the heck would want that?” Honestly, at one point I had fallen subject to the brainwashing as well. Thankfully, the Lord opened my eyes to see children the way He sees them. No, I don’t see them that way all the time, but the glimpse He gives me of the vision and big picture He has for my children are all I need. They are blessings, legacies, and our army to stand with us.
Is it scary to bring so many children into the world? Well yeah, it sure is. We look around at this crazy place we live in and feel the need to cover the eyes and ears of these precious ones, and guard their hearts from future trouble this world brings. But with those glimpse from God I was referring to, we also see God’s love shining from them. They affect family, friends, and strangers with just their presence. Just the other night we all went out to eat and a family sitting beside us were commenting on how amazing it was to see three small children with another on the way. I asked him how many they had, and he replied, “4 teenage children.” I asked then why he was so amazed, he said he hadn’t seen that many little children that close in age in a long time. This family had lots of curiosity and smiles. When you see well behaved children (Not that this is always the case) they are contagious. That’s what God wants. They are our way to draw people in and show them Jesus.
It says in the Bible that they will stand with us against our enemies. These aren’t just children they are PEOPLE, and will grow to be our closest friends. To raise them in the fear and abomination of the Lord is not only a commandment, but is served to be a blessing to us. It also says in the Bible that we will have no greater joy than to watch our children walk with the Lord. If they are walking with the Lord then we will always have prayers going up on our behalf, we will have care if we get sick, and they will be able to reach all of the people we were never able to reach and bring them to Christ.
The whole idea of having children is to always be looking at the big picture while living in the moment. This may seem counter productive, but I think it is very powerful. If we can look at them as future leaders of this world we are training, then we won’t mind the small sacrifices of the moment and redirect them once again. If we can look at them as future husbands and wives who will one day raise our grandchildren then we can sacrifice our time by living in the moment and let them help us cook, or work out in the yard. If we can look at them as future best friends, then we can sacrifice our to do list by living in the moment and color that picture with them or play hide and go seek to form those sweet relationships.
No, I wont ever be a doctor, have a business, or have what people call free time (What is that again?) I will, God willing, be having and raising people. Just like all those other great occupations are those people’s calling…this is mine. I am confident he will give me exactly what I need each step of the way. May I always do this job He has given me well for His glory to reach the world.
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
I’m Choosing
Today I’m choosing
- God
- Thankfulness
- Grace
- Healing
- Restoration
- Love
- forgiveness
- Faith
- Beauty
- Child like mindset
- Ceaseless praying
- Laughter
- Hand holding
- Snuggles
- Stories
- The here and now
Here is to a new day and making it count for the glory of God, whom is always faithful when I’m faithless.
One of my many testimonies- My Dad
This is one of the many God-given experiences where He has molded, chiseled, and even cut some things off to teach me lessons I would have never learned any other way. I can now sit here and give God all the glory.
Like most little girls, as far back as I can remember I was my dad’s number 1 fan. No matter the hours he spent at work (which were excessive) when he was home, he belonged to me. He was my laughter and my protector. When dad was home all was right in the world.
As I grew older our relationship didn’t change much. He was respected and loved by my mom, me, and 3 little sisters. When he was home there was always a production of a great supper on the table. He worked hard and played hard. He would think nothing of getting home at 9pm and say, “Get packed were going to the beach!” It drove me crazy as a teenager but looking back the spontaneity was adventurous.
My life as I knew it began to unravel super bowl weekend in the year 2004, six months before my wedding. My dad gave the startling announcement that he was no longer happy and he walked out the door. The shear shock and worry smacked us in the face. The worry was not about us but him. Is he having a nervous breakdown? A midlife crisis? He was leaving what other fathers ld dream about. Leaving a woman whom he married at 18, me (his biggest fan), a beautiful daughter with severe autism, a seven-year old little girl who had at one time had daddy wrapped around her finger, and a precious 3-year-old little girl who would never remember her mom and dad together.
He left to stay down our dirt road with his parents while he, “Figured things out.” During this time our eyes were glued to the windows watching to see if our dad would come home. We soon started noticing a purple truck making its way past our home to my grandparents house quite often.
The Lord has His way of bringing truth to the surface. The purple truck carried a woman who was one of the partakers in tearing my family apart. My Dad and her were having an affair. Rumor has it they were caught by her husband and she was forced to leave. The pressure was then put on my dad to do the same. He came to a complete halt. He had no time to pick fights with my mom or time to make a miserable home life. To make the stab deeper my grandparents knew my dad’s secret and were helping to aid in the secrecy. They provided them a place to stay and support before we ever knew what was going on.
The days and weeks went on in a teary eyed blur. Aching for the life we had and the stab of betrayal and rejection. I can remember my mom and I at the altar in church many times begging God for healing and answers. The healing and answers took place very slowly. To this day we can still relapse into feelings of rejection, but we continue to look back and see what God has pulled us through.
When I look back I remember sweet memories driving home from church with mom tears streaming of God’s grace. I remember countless late night card games spent with family surrounding and protecting us. I remember the day we were forced to move out of my childhood home. We were in the bathroom with my sisters getting ready for the last time. I looked at mom and said, “Are you ready to get out of this hell hole?” perhaps not the most Christian thing to say but it was so needed and so appreciated. She said, “Yeah , Lets do this!”
We held tight to God’s promises as all our security was squished into a tiny apartment. That night we cranked up the song, “I’m moving on” by rascal flats and cried like babies. Though Mom’s heart was breaking she was a pillar of strength. I have seen God do the miraculous in her I would have never seen any other way.
Since those early days there have been many ups and countless downs. One thing I’m certain of without a shadow of a doubt is that God protects His children. His faithful love sustains, pulls us out when needed, and replants us firmly.
This is one of my many testimonies where I have been shown God’s greatness. As of today I have forgiven my dad as well as the other woman whom he is still with today. I have grown to once again love him and appreciate his presence in my life. He has truly tried to make an effort and for that I am very grateful. I do not think it was time or distance that allowed this healing but a supernatural weaving of God to stitch my broken heart.
No, it will never be like it was, but things never are. God moves, pushes, pulls, whatever He has to do to bring you closer. Today I am so thankful or a praying Momma who was used by God to go through difficulties to change the course of future generations.
Rebelling The World
Photo by Just2Shutter/ Freedigitalphotos.net
Have you ever felt God in a way you can’t explain and can’t ignore? Fortunately, I’ve heard His whispers my entire life. More times than I would like to admit, the whispers have gotten drowned out by this world. It’s a time when you completely forget about the vision God has for you and your purpose in His kingdom. I too often have fallen into the traps of focusing on myself. Recently I find myself getting so fed up with our image obsessed culture and politically correct conversations.
Just when I’m starting to hear His voice once again God sends a person, a statement, a situation to jolt you out of your societal slumber.This happened to me on Saturday morning when I was reawakened by this beautiful blog post by my friend Bethany. God gives us all convictions at one time or another but what will I do with them? I’m feeling God’s tugs and nudges to DO SOMETHING for all the things I believe in. Is it enough to just say I don’t believe in abortion? Is it enough to just say children are a gift from God? Is it enough to just say a little prayer for orphans, widows, and the less fortunate as I sit with my fresh brewed coffee in hand with organic creamer and a soft blanket on my lap?
I’m just not convinced it’s enough. I want a life where I pour myself out daily to be refilled by the only sustainable thing in this life; God’s power and love. He is guiding, I just don’t know where. But I do know that there is more to life than this. I don’t want to be a Sunday Christian, I want to be a Jesus Follower everyday of my life grabbing hands along the way to come along.
I don’t want to listen to the world around me that tries to make things look perfect and pinterest worthy. I want my eyes opened to the hurting world, the mess, and the ugly. I want to watch first hand God turn ashes into beauty.
What sacrifices can I make to save myself from a life focused on money , beauty, and shiny perishable things? I rebel against the life most have. I don’t want it. I don’t even want to secretly want it AT ALL. I want a life worth living. I want to pour myself into my husband and these children of mine to become rebels against this culture with me. To shift our focus on the only thing that matters: THE PEOPLE JESUS DIED FOR. Every single person on this planet and every single person that will be on this planet were on His mind on that monumental day of His death. I want the rest of my life to be spent making sure people now that. To show hope to the hopeless, advocate for precious unborn life, open my arms and home to the hurting, and feel the sting of sacrifice of my time and money. This is time well spent and is the key to happiness.
I would love to hear what you are doing for what you believe in!
Linking up with:The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Heart Reflected, Mrs. Happy Homemaker, Keeping It Simple, The Life of Faith, The Alabaster Jar, Splashing Glory, The wellspring, Road to 31
Fresh New Start
image courtesy of Dan/freedigitalphotos.net
The Blog Was Born
This whole journey started when my husband wanted me to keep a journal of all the silly and crazy things the kiddos said during the day. I grabbed myself a notebook and started scribbling away. Them and their crazy selves gave me excellent material to write about.
Then it hit me one day. Why don’t I start a small blog? This allowed my family and friends a window into our lives. I have been opening the door wide to let people in on this imperfect, crazy, messy life we live.
As I have been writing I have noticed that my post of babies throwing food was slowly starting to shift into encouragement and real life momma stuff. It has been a lot more from the heart than I intended. I never thought I would find myself loving the whole, ‘Blogging thing,” so much. I am enjoying the community, friendships, and writing about the things I love and am passionate about. By God’s hand, this little blog of mine has started to grow.
The Name
With that being said, I am moving on from my blog, “The Good Life,” and am starting fresh with a new blog. Welcome to Sweet Country Roots. This name represents what I am trying to accomplish with my family. I long for sweet moments and sweet memories amongst chaos. I want to mimic the slow-paced life of the past that I admire. My desire is to bring that back and get my family back to our country roots.
My Passion
My passion is to show Mommas how sweet this life can be when God is in the center. When we can let go of the world’s expectations and get back to our country roots and wait for God expectantly. He will not only provide, but will abundantly. My GOAL more than anything is to minister the way that I have been ministered to. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful things God has taught me through reading other encouraging blogs. I hope to share all that God has placed on my heart in hopes I can bring the same encouragement to someone else.
Let’s walk this road together! Subscribe, or follow on facebook and pinterest!
P.S. Ya’ll hang in there with me. I’m saving money to make the blog pretty as well:)
I’m sharing this with: A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, and Teaching What is Good,
