TODAY…Is Special
My little girl Zoe has this red satin fancy Christmas dress. She has never worn it. It’s not really the kind of dress you wear any old-time. The best place to wear it would have been to the Christmas concert at our church. I forgot to put it on her…In reality, they misbehaved the entire time so we left early and spanked them when we got in the car! That is besides the point:)
Just about every day this petite little girl ask me to put on that fancy red dress. Every day I tell her, “No Zoe that dress isn’t for just around the house but for special occasion only.” Everyday she tells me how much she loves it and wants to be a princess.
It hit me the other day…Why in the world will I not let the child wear that dress???? To her, today is the day. Today is the day to be a princess, and the day to dress up for no reason at all. Why do I feel the need to save up the special moments? They are there right under my nose all day waiting to be experienced and opened as gifts from the Lord.
In tribute to my sweet Zoe Bell here are my lessons of the day…
Today is special. Today is the day to wear my favorite shirt, and my warmest pair of socks. Today is the day to make pancakes and have extra cream in my coffee. Today is the day to drink out of my favorite coffee cup. (Seriously y’all I even save my favorite coffee cups) Today is the day to let them watch that movie they’ve been wanting to see. Today is the day to bring out the better dishes. Today is the day for the Pinterest projects you’ve been wanting to get into. Today is the day to turn the radio up loud and dance it out. Today is the day to stay up late snuggling a little longer.
She taught me that today is special and is worth giving it my all, even when it seems like just any other day.
She Wouldn’t Have Believed Me (For all Future Mommas)
I was at work doing my weekly shift at the hospital. Me and a couple of girls were sitting in the break room when she announced that she and her husband were going to try to have a baby.
I’m not lying y’all. I am a pregnant hormonal basket case right now. I wanted to cry, cut a back flip, and give her the biggest hug around her neck. I wanted to spill my guts about everything. From the changes in the relationship with her husband, the new way she will view the world, and the roller coaster she has just gotten on. I wanted to tell her to, “Hold on tight girl, it’s an amazing ride!”
I knew my words would be insignificant compared to the great magnitude of emotions. There is no way to describe the depth of intimacy between a husband and a wife when they are conceiving a child. How could I explain the anxiety, nervousness, and excitement at even the thought of life forming days before the pink lines appear? When that day does come she wouldn’t believe me if I told her she will feel like she could throw up, cry, and jump up and down all at the same time.
There is nothing I could have said to prepare her for the transformation her body was going to endure. From the waves of nausea to the tiny flutters of a sweet life beneath her stretched thin skin. She will never feel more proud of what her body can do. She will never look at her body the same. From her old perspective she will look in disgust, but then her mama brain will kick in and think how she would do it all again a million times over.
To even begin to put words together of what it would be like to see that precious baby with a scent from heaven for the first time would have been pointless. To fall instantly in love would have been an understatement. How could I have told her that on that day she will become a fighter for all things good and worth living in this world for this baby wrapped in her arms.
I didn’t want to tell her that when she takes that brand new baby home she will be more tired than she has ever been in her entire life. Her once confident self will second guess everything, from how to hold the baby, how often to feed, what to feed, what diapers are best, and if she is the best one for the job. She will feel like she needs a break, but the moment she steps away her heart will break. She will doubt her abilities and wonder if she is good enough for this sweet gift that cries every night between 7 and midnight. There is no description of the joy and victory you feel when the baby sleeps for 4 hours straight for the first time. She will wake up feeling like a new woman only to start back over the next night.
I wanted so bad to tell her how sweet a six months old laugh is. I wanted to tell her about the smell of when they first get out of the bath tub and your clothes are soaking wet from the their chubby hands splashing. I wanted to tell her what the word, “Mama,” coming from that baby would do to her heart. There is no point, she wont believe me until she’s there.
I wanted to go ahead and prepare her for their first birthday party. I wanted to remind her to not stress and to take every ounce of memory in. I wish she knew the happiness of the moment when her and her husband are on either side of the high chair and surrounded by family to sing happy birthday. I wanted to tell her how cute it is going to be when that baby smashes the cake in between their fingers for the first time.
How could I ever explain the rush when they take their first steps or the way her heart will skip a beat when they fall and hit their head. She doesn’t even want to get me started on when they first say, “I love you.”
I want so bad to tell her all about this journey of motherhood and how amazing, hard, rewarding, fulfilling, and empowering it is. She will cry more than she ever has, laugh more than she ever has, and love more than she ever has. Her life will change… but for the better. The girl she thought she was will be a distant memory to the woman she will become over night. She will become someone’s world. Just wait…you’ll see.
Are you a new mama or hoping to be one one day? Subscribe and share! I write on the subject a lot:)
Photo credit by pixabay
Raising Boys To Be Real Men
Obviously, I do not have much experience in this area. My son is 18 months old, and son #2 is still cooking. What I do have is a Godly vision for my boys and a path that I can see God has set forth in His word for parents to follow to raise leaders.
Recently in my post about why people are waiting for marriage. I challenged women to not put off making the commitment of marriage when it is in God’s will. I received a comment from one of my readers stating that a lot of it has to do with the men. She stated that she had been waiting patiently, but most men wanted to run from their commitment. Of course there are exceptions, but this does seem to be a common trend.
I’m not sure when it happened, but overtime it seems our society is trying to demasculinize our boys. We as mothers can easily dive into the culture of making them, “Momma’s boys.” – I know, I’ve thought it myself. We want him clean, sitting still, first on the team, time to rest and play, and to be treated like his sisters.
The thing is, God didn’t create him to do those things. It is a proven fact that males have a completely different genetic makeup. Why are we going against nature? God made them to be active, dirty, driven, sweaty, competitive, and rough around the edges.
He needs to feel the sting of sacrifice, yet learn of a woman’s love through his momma. We do this not by pacifying them but by respecting them. We need to encourage work ethic and their initiative. We need to stand by our boys when the world tells them to indulge and be lazy. Let’s be the cheerleaders helping them to see their future and where diligence will get them.
Studies show that the majority of boys will grow up to marry a woman like their momma. Scary huh? Let’s make sure they marry a woman who takes everything your son does and makes it 10 times better. Rather that be his passions, his walk with the Lord, financially, positions of leaderships, or friendships. Let’s raise them to look forward to the commitment of family. It is not something to run away from because the world says you’re not “Ready or mature enough.” It is a privilege and blessing that God has called him to disciple his wife and children.
When our boys reach the stage of marriage we as mothers need to take a step back. It is no longer about us but about his wife. We are to be the facilitator, helping him leave and cleave to his wife. Encourage their time together, only give advice when asked, yet pray like there is no tomorrow. (He is now the leader)
It’s not easy when these boys are our babies. But if your are a mother and have been blessed with a boy it is our calling to raise them the way God intended. To lead and provide for the next generation. There is nothing more pleasing to a momma than a God-fearing man. Let us all keep up the good work ladies!
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Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
Birth Control, Fertility, and My Testimony
I have always been a run with the wind, passionate kind of person. I can remember even as a child feeling inspired and running full speed ahead. I was bound and determined at the age of maybe 8 or 9 that I was going to build a church and share the gospel to all the ends of the earth. I would pickup land magazines at grocery stores and restaurants and search endlessly to find the perfect piece of land to build my church. Even typing that out I’m thinking,”Man I was a weird kid.” I still feel like this is my calling. You may not be following me here, but read to the end and you’ll see where my heart is.
I am feeling extremely vulnerable to share with every one all I am about to say. This has become a huge testimony for me that I have shared with very few people. Some of this may be TMI (too much information) but I want to share everything the Lord has shown me and how He directed our steps to where we are today.
After 4 yeas of marriage at the age of 22 I became pregnant with our first baby. The flood of emotions were instant. I loved my pregnancy and enjoyed every moment. My life has never been the same since that beautiful baby girl was born. I felt for the first time that this was what I was made for. It wasn’t always dreamy motherly affection, but I loved that baby a love like no other.
After she was born at my six-week postpartum appointment my OB had my prescription for birth control ready. I don’t remember her ever asking me about it. It was more like “Here is your prescription for the same birth control you were on before.” I didn’t think a thing about it and went on my merry way.
A year later I became pregnant with baby #2. I enjoyed that pregnancy just as much as the first except for the fact I now had a toddler running me ragged. The world around me, in a way, was already molding my mind into thinking two was all I could handle. I started to get a lot of the “Oh you just wait till…” statements. They all ended bad.
My second baby girl was born 21 months after my first. My love for her was just as deep, but let me tell ya I had to remind myself of that once we got her home. She cried… a lot. Going from one to two was a huge adjustment. I began to think every one was right!
When I went for my six-week checkup the IUD was the new fad. I mentioned it to my husband and we were both like, “Heck yeah!” I didn’t even know if I wanted any more at all. I was told it would prevent pregnancy for 5 years. I was ready to have myself back. My body, my time, and sleep. I couldn’t wait for them to get older so I could go to the gym, coffee dates with friends, shopping, sleeping in etc…(This sweet little girl is now the most loyal, love you like no other kid I’ve ever met)
Then… there was a small moment that I will never forget. Nothing huge with fireworks, but it is what I believe was a real word from the Lord amidst chaos. The planting of a seed into what He would transform me to be…
My husband and I were sitting on the deck talking about life, money, kids, jobs, the normal stuff. We were saying something along the lines of being in God’s will and praying about things. Then, it suddenly came to me out of nowhere. I said out loud, ” You know, I never even prayed to God about getting this IUD put in.”
At the time I was aggravated with my situation and was going to put a stop to this craziness in my life. Now, a wave of guilt and conviction came over me. I felt horrible about not thinking it through. To have something foreign in your body to prevent a normal function God created and calls a blessing… preventing life. Psalm 127:3 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”
Up to this point I had never thought about it this way. To the world’s standards I was responsible and doing the right thing. Through a lot of prayer, over the course of the next several months the Lord slowly began changing my heart. I asked for patience, guidance, and to see the children I had through His eyes. This was still a very private issue for me, yet I was already feeling a transformation take place.
I got my IUD taken out probably around 6 months later. Mainly due to all of the health risk that I found out on my own. (not from my OB ) Through the transformation God started, we started thinking, “Ok, maybe we can handle one more baby.” Praise the Lord we were able to conceive quickly again. This is the pregnancy that truly opened our eyes. By the grace of God I was able to see them for what they truly were…blessings. I couldn’t help but think how I tried everything in my power to prevent this miracle from happening again. I started questioning everything I had ever been taught about children, birth control, and family planning. I started seeing things in a whole new light.
I will never forget the night I was going to share my heart with my husband. Honestly, I was assuming he was going to laugh and that would kind of be the end of it. I was wrong.
Turns out God had slowly been working on his heart as well. Although the thought of not using birth control scared him to death he saw where I was coming from. Slowly throughout my pregnancy the Lord showered patience, understanding, a calling, and confidence into our lives. Toward the end of my third pregnancy we both gave our fertility to the Lord. We decided that if we were going to trust Him with our finances, location to raise our family, and our jobs, then why not our children. Over and over the Bible calls them blessings. I believe that, and we want as many as He will give us.
On June 14th 2012 our first son was born 2 years after our second child. Let me say, this is the most joyous baby I have EVER been around. To think… I almost never had him. I almost never gave him the chance to be something great for God. I almost didn’t give his sisters a baby brother. I almost didn’t give his daddy a chance to play ball with his boy. I almost missed out on a lot more love. For what? Because I thought my sleep was more important. I thought my vacations would be more glamorous. I thought a toned, stretch mark free belly would make me happier.
As of today I am 6 months pregnant with our second son. He is the first baby that was conceived without us trying to interfere with dates, numbers, and calendars. He came out of our love for each other in God’s perfect timing. It is the most freeing thing to know that you have given over control to the most sovereign creator of the universe. Why do we think we know better anyways? He is the one who sees the future.
On to my whole building a church dream… God is fulfilling that calling right now.
These children that we are trying to raise diligently for God are my church. We are constantly on our knees telling God the needs of our church and thanking Him for growing our church when He sees fit. My husband is the pastor and leader and I am simply the Sunday school teacher. We are open 24/7. Between my children, and some day my grandchildren, and great children this church God has used me for could grow quicker than anything I would have built at the age of 10. The people in this church have potential to spread God’s love to the ends of the earth. It all starts right here and right now.
I would encourage anyone if they have ever questioned why our society thinks a certain way about children…ask God what He thinks about it. Don’t take my word for it, but it will blow you away. I plan on posting a lot more on this subject since this is where my life is at right now. If anyone has any questions, or curiosities, don’t hesitate to ask.
If you want to stay up on our journey through all this please subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
Photo credit Pixabay
No Ordinary Day
I came across this devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries yesterday morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Let me set the scene…my youngest Ty did not sleep that great the night before. I was up early to catch a brief moment by myself when my early bird middle child comes to join me with her breakfast request. (It’s still dark) I remind her of this EVERY morning and that she must wait till the sun comes up for breakfast time. I was a bit aggravated at the monotony and I guess you could say the prediction of how the day was going to unfold. I’m sure moms with small children can relate that it seems you just hit repeat on the day before and go through the motions once again only to collapse in bed and do it all again the next day. It’s joyous at times, tiring at times, and most of the time we just do what we have to do on any given day.
The devotion I read, shortly after I finished rolling my eyes with a sigh, talked of the magnificence of our days. The point I took from the devotion is that there are NO ORDINARY DAYS. God places every tiny detail where they should be to splendor His glory and it’s up to us if we are looking for it or not. This daily grind of raising children is the highest calling. The pure simplicity of being with your kids guiding them along every meal, every game, every time out, and every laugh IS MAGNIFICENT.
When I look back on my own childhood I don’t remember any big super moments my parents did for me. I barely remember the Disney world trips. I couldn’t tell you one thing that was under the Christmas tree. I have no recollection of the special days. What I do remember are the ordinary days. The dancing, playing, rewinding my favorite movies for the millionth time, the talks, the dinners. It’s the entire lifetime that makes it remarkable…the daily grind.
Now to shift this into practice for my own family. It is the shoe tying, the wiping of noses, and smiling while I brush their teeth, pulling them on the counter to pour in the flour… yes, all of this IS magnificent. All things worth it never come quickly. This day-to-day of ordinary IS changing lives. The reason? God ordained it. It’s about what we do with it.
Thank you God for sending me what I needed in your perfect timing.
Stop The Mommy Wars!
This is the way we can feel when we are in battle with one another:)
At times I feel as though people are all about competition. They are all out to have bigger houses, more money, and more letters behind their name than the person standing next to them. Unfortunately this is also true among us mothers.
The competitions are similar with different titles. From the way we educate our children, how many children we have, to breastfeed or not, and rather we work outside the home or not are all judgements we secretly make about one another.
I have always hated the sides that mothers take on these four areas. I have always felt that these ongoing wars are a waste of time. After all, aren’t we just all trying to do the best we can with what God has given us?
Ok, I’m going to be transparent here…I caught myself making judgments on another mother just this very weekend. I did exactly what I stand against! I didn’t necessarily think anything bad about her. Actually, if someone looked at me and thought I had it all together I would be flattered.
Anyways… that’s beside the point!
I saw a beautiful woman with one beautiful little girl with her at a birthday party the kids and I were attending. I assumed that she thought I was crazy with my crew. I figured her home was peaceful and calm, and that she wasn’t fighting tooth and nail to barely make it to the party on time.
I assumed that she was thinking I was one of those weirdos that homeschooled and had lots of kids. Let me tell ya, I was WRONG on every level. Turns out she has a heart for adoption, and has adopted two children so far. Through reading her blog, On Loan From Heaven I saw that she has experienced infertility and miscarriage as well.
This woman whom I thought was thinking I was crazy with my kids has experienced her own heart ache and turned it around to welcome unwanted children and mold it into a beautiful family. I can learn so much from her!
Ya see mamas, when we can cut the small talk and speak from our hearts we all have something to learn from each other. We have to remember we are in this together, to raise the next generation for God. I am so guilty of the small talk, even though I hate it! When I talk, others will too and that is where I can learn and grow in this motherhood journey.
Now, onto our dumb competitions. I am no better than anyone else because I choose homeschooling. It’s just ridiculous! Do I think it’s the greatest, best thing on earth? Well of course, that’s why I chose it. That is also my opinion. Mothers who send their kids to school also think it is the greatest best thing on earth too. Bottom line, we are all doing what we think is best. What child could have more than their parent’s best interest?
The number of children you have in no way makes you a better mom. It does not mean you are more patient, loving, or super sweet when you get woke up in the middle of the night. They are not trophies of accomplishments but rather loaned for God’s purposes. Some how, He always does the miraculous and provides us with exactly what we need to make it through the day. Rather you have one child or twenty.
In regards to the whole breastfeeding thing. Of course we know it’s better for mom and baby. There is research everywhere proving that. If you don’t breastfeed, so what! Some try and try and just aren’t able to. To raise an eyebrow at a woman pulling out a bottle is wrong on every level. At least she’s feeding the baby! So let’s always make things easier for her, rather she is warming formula or trying to keep the baby from pulling off the blanket she is covering herself with.
In regard to the working mom. I have seen personally the benefits of staying home with my children, I have also felt the sting in my bank account. No matter how well you are with money, having extra is always a good thing. Some mothers are not able to do this, plain and simple. Their hearts are at home and they love their children but life circumstances keep them from the home. Instead of separating sides and condemning one versus the other, lets encourage! Neither task is easy!
The mommy wars and debates will be endless until we take a stand and link our arms. We must shake our fist at the devil who tries to segregate us and reunite with one purpose in mind and one only. TO RAISE THE NEXT GODLY GENERATIONS. Rather they are schooled at home or not, drank from a bottle or not, have siblings, or had their mama home 24/7, that they will be able to stand up against the enemy.
To start off my renewed commitment to be as transparent as possible, here is a short list real truths and insecurities going through my head…
- I still worry too much of what others think, that’s why I blog so I never have to say anything face to face.
- I would love to do public speaking one day to encourage mothers, but I am afraid my red face and stuttering with my knees knocking will keep me from that dream.
- Tim and I have committed to letting the Lord give us as many children as He wants.
- I worry that my flesh will get in the way when things get tough and I’ll go back on that commitment.
- I wonder if my children would rather have nicer things than have me staying home with them.
- I get nervous if I’ll lose the baby weight… every time. I obsess about it, but still eat like it’s going out of style.
- I would love to write for some of the famous blogs out there, but I lack in confidence or time to pursue it.
- At times I feel stretched so thin, I wonder why God has given me these children.
- I wonder if I can really educate these kids the way it should be done.
I share all of this not to complain, to get sympathy, or to fish for compliments. We all have our own list that need to resurface to bring them all to Christ who can carry every burden we try to lift on our own. Let’s gather together with our long list and put them at the feet of Jesus and end the mama war!
Protecting Their Innocence
I never gave it much thought until I became a parent. The idea of protection seemed overrated. I assumed that one day when I had children that they would learn all of the bad stuff in this world anyways, and that they may resent me if I tried to, “Hold them back.” Boy oh Boy has my perspective changed dramatically since I held that beautiful baby girl in my arms for the first time. From that day forward it has become my mission to protect her and any of her siblings from this world of ours, that seeks to damage their sweet spirits.
For me, this doesn’t necessarily mean keeping them sheltered and hidden from all of the terrible things in this world. It’s about relishing in the true and pure joy of just being a child. Innocence in a child is a precious and sacred thing. Once it’s gone their minds are tainted. To protect it is a gift we can give to our children.
How many of us would give anything to not know of the terrible things in this world? Why burden our children with it? Let me clarify, I am not saying to not let them know about the less fortunate or encourage them to brainstorm on ways to help. I am talking about the news, having heated debates about politics in front of them, and of course most commercials on TV now are completely inappropriate for children. I know some would disagree but I am convinced that children these days have it much harder. They are bombarded 24 hours a day by a world that is seeking to rob them of their precious childhood and treat them like adults. Never before in history have more children had their own cell phones, computers, I pods, or TV’s. They now dress like adults, talk like adults, and look like them. I’m not saying all of these are wrong. Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but what ever happened to the tacky dressed kid with their hair not brushed climbing in the tree?
It just seems like we have forgotten the joy of being a kid. Our children only get one childhood. Let’s make it awesome for them!
Sharing with Raising Arrows
My Second Boy
Ahhh! I am so thrilled to be having another baby boy! I love that my youngest, Ty, will have have a younger brother to wrestle with, chase, and be buddies with. It has been so beautiful watching my two older girls form their close relationship and I am so thankful to watch, “The boys,” have the same thing. I am seeing a lot of rowdiness in my near future. Honestly, I can’t wait! Whoever is reading this post, I am going to need you to remind me of this a couple years from now:)
Here are some of my newest thoughts knowing now that there is another baby boy on the way. Some are far fetched dreams, others will be my reality…
I am feeling overjoyed at God’s provision and watching His perfect plan unfold.
I never thought I would have a set of girls and a set of boys.
I can’t believe it’s possible to love another little boy so much you’ve never even seen.
What am I going to do when these boys start liking their older sister’s friends???
I love that they will share a room one day. (The roughest, toughest room ever!)
I love that they will someday share a business -a dream;)
I love the idea of more trucks, trains, and dirt.
I hope he never feels outdone by an, “Older brother.”
He just has to think that this will be the funnest place to live ever!
Does he have any idea how much his sisters are going to baby him? He probably won’t learn to walk till he’s five from being carried everywhere!
Will he ever know how much he is loved by us all?
I hope I can show him how loved he is.
My boys will be the pitcher and the catcher! -a dream;)
I am going to start praying now for this baby to be a strong man of God.
Is he going to try to scare me with pranks or bugs?
Will he like my cooking?
I can’t wait to see Tim carrying two boys!
This is going to be a wild adventure. I am so thankful I have been chosen to take it. I am ready to raise and love another little man for the glory of God!
Anticipation to see your little profile on the screen.
Anticipation to listen to your siblings ask a gazillion questions.
Anticipation to squeeze Daddy’s hand when we see your sweet heart fluttering.
Anticipation to put a name to the bump in my belly.
Anticipation to see God’s pattern of children unfold.
Anticipation to buy baby dolls or trucks.
Anticipation to share with family who are just as excited as they were the first baby.
Anticipation for what the future holds.
Anticipation for today.
Anticipation for you.
Love you sweet baby #4, we can’t wait to see you!
Why Have Children?
The thought of having more than one or two children puzzles many people. Unless of course the first two were the same-sex then it might be acceptable to try one more time. They don’t understand it, and have been brainwashed by society to see them as a hindrance and burden. They think, “Who the heck would want that?” Honestly, at one point I had fallen subject to the brainwashing as well. Thankfully, the Lord opened my eyes to see children the way He sees them. No, I don’t see them that way all the time, but the glimpse He gives me of the vision and big picture He has for my children are all I need. They are blessings, legacies, and our army to stand with us.
Is it scary to bring so many children into the world? Well yeah, it sure is. We look around at this crazy place we live in and feel the need to cover the eyes and ears of these precious ones, and guard their hearts from future trouble this world brings. But with those glimpse from God I was referring to, we also see God’s love shining from them. They affect family, friends, and strangers with just their presence. Just the other night we all went out to eat and a family sitting beside us were commenting on how amazing it was to see three small children with another on the way. I asked him how many they had, and he replied, “4 teenage children.” I asked then why he was so amazed, he said he hadn’t seen that many little children that close in age in a long time. This family had lots of curiosity and smiles. When you see well behaved children (Not that this is always the case) they are contagious. That’s what God wants. They are our way to draw people in and show them Jesus.
It says in the Bible that they will stand with us against our enemies. These aren’t just children they are PEOPLE, and will grow to be our closest friends. To raise them in the fear and abomination of the Lord is not only a commandment, but is served to be a blessing to us. It also says in the Bible that we will have no greater joy than to watch our children walk with the Lord. If they are walking with the Lord then we will always have prayers going up on our behalf, we will have care if we get sick, and they will be able to reach all of the people we were never able to reach and bring them to Christ.
The whole idea of having children is to always be looking at the big picture while living in the moment. This may seem counter productive, but I think it is very powerful. If we can look at them as future leaders of this world we are training, then we won’t mind the small sacrifices of the moment and redirect them once again. If we can look at them as future husbands and wives who will one day raise our grandchildren then we can sacrifice our time by living in the moment and let them help us cook, or work out in the yard. If we can look at them as future best friends, then we can sacrifice our to do list by living in the moment and color that picture with them or play hide and go seek to form those sweet relationships.
No, I wont ever be a doctor, have a business, or have what people call free time (What is that again?) I will, God willing, be having and raising people. Just like all those other great occupations are those people’s calling…this is mine. I am confident he will give me exactly what I need each step of the way. May I always do this job He has given me well for His glory to reach the world.
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The better Mom, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Far Above Rubies, Growing Home, Heavenly Homemakers, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, A cat like curiosity, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, CSAHM Parenting Linkup, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Consider the Lillies, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Christian Mommy Blogger, Let this Mind Be in You, Heart Reflected
