Taking A Stand (Birth Control Series)
Photo courtesy of Brandon Sigma/Free Digital Photos
I recently watched a thread on Facebook about abortion become very heated. It broke my heart to see some of the absurd responses and excuses of why it would ever be okay to take a baby’s life. Yet, in a way I felt ashamed for not standing up for the defenseless like I should be. I wanted to chime in on the debate but honestly had no words to put together to feel like I could even get through. I was convicted to do my part. I live in a sweet bubble of home school mommas so seeing the Facebook conversation helped to open my eyes to a world of people who have been lied to about what abortion truly is. It’s time I quit sitting back and start doing my part to educate women in love.
With all that being said I am very excited to do a series on the hot topic of birth control and abortion. I will be discussing how it all integrates with our health mentally, emotionally, and physically. I want to start with the history and agenda behind the pill. I am going to educate on all of the types of contraceptives on the market now and how they act in our bodies. Of course I plan to share what the Bible says about it, our ideas and purposes for having children, and our fears with having more than two kids.
My purpose in writing this is to not only educate and inform but to share my passion and convictions on this topic. You can read here about my testimony of how the Lord opened my eyes and convicted me of the form of birth control I was using as well as my attitude about children in general.
I want this to all be a lot of discussion and I hope to share all the goodness God has shown me… Let’s get started!
*Disclaimer* I wont lie…I am attempting to change people’s mind about all of these issues. I will do my very best to not give my opinions but to state facts. With that being said I follow Jesus Christ and I hold His word as my standard and only standard for truth.
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Read other post in this series here
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You,
When God’s Will Isn’t Always Easy
I think as Christians it is very easy for us to know God’s will. We feel a conviction, pray about it, then with the Holy Spirit’s help we change our perspective or a way of doing things based on the convictions we have felt from God. Sounds good right?
Then there is the world yelling ever so loudly. We start to slowly listen to our flesh. The world around us has a way of making that VERY easy. Before you know it those convictions seem a little difficult to maintain or maybe even too extreme. Throw in a couple of negative comments that hurt your feeling in there along with a bad day or two and you find yourself second guessing what the Lord clearly spoke to your heart.
Ladies, this is a trap we ALL fall into no matter what you feel the Lord calling you to do. Maybe it is to stay home and raise your children? Maybe it’s to stop drinking or smoking? Maybe its to home school? Maybe it is to limit media? Maybe it is to give over your fertility to God? Maybe it is to stop frivolously spending money? Maybe it is to start exercising and caring for your body?
God never promises a walk on easy street. However, He does promise that when you deny yourself and listen to His sweet voice speaking to your heart that He has already provided you with every power to do what He has called. Not just enough power to get by, but enough to do it well.
Let’s encourage one another of the sweet rewards and victory that is ours when we follow Jesus.
He Sees You
For that first time momma…He sees you. He sees you google every sniffle. He watches as you put your face parallel to her chest to make sure you see it rising as they take in a breath. He sees all of the books you have been reading and hears the endless conversations as you try to figure out this motherhood thing. He is watching you try to figure out how to go about living your life when something so precious depends on you for their every need. He watches as you get up for the fourth time that night and He sees your mind twirling, wondering if you’re doing it right. He sees the exhaustion in your eyes, yet the fullness in your heart of giving your baby everything you can. God sees and placed that baby in your arms.
For that high school girl…He sees you. He sees your frustration every time someone ask what you are going to do with the rest of your life. He watches your eyes as you scan a room of your peers thinking they have their life figured out. He sees you run from school, to practice, to your part-time job. He sees you try to fit in that Wednesday night youth service when your worn out and tried. He sees you as you sit between childhood and adult hood not knowing which move is next. He sees you studying, applying, and crying. God is watching you start down a path He knew from the beginning.
For that momma of many…He sees you. He sees you try to remember to savor the moments. He sees you as you put in that fourth load of laundry. He watches as you lift them on the counter to pour in the macaroni. He sees you keeping that smile on your face though you wonder if you will ever be able to eat a warm meal again. He sees you changing the diapers, cleaning the messes, and keeping lids on the markers. He sees you on your knees praying for wisdom and patience to keep it all together. God sees the rewards for your work.
For that single momma….He sees you. He watches as you try to combine two roles into one. He watches as you pray for guidance and healing and direction. He sees your mind turning as you wonder if you’re doing enough. He sees the struggle yet beautiful life unfolding through full reliance on Him. He watches as you go into unmarked territory with no road map and figuring it out as you go. He sees that yearning in your eyes for a break or shoulder to lean on. God sees the capable in what you can’t.
For that working momma… He sees you. He watches as you try to be two people. A professional woman on the outside and the emotional baby loving momma on the inside. He sees you as you do your best to balance meals, deadlines, bedtimes, suppers, and meetings. He watches as you drop them off wishing you could have stayed with them a bit longer. He sees the pressure from your job and watches you overcome with every ounce of strength you have again and again. God sees your efforts.
For every woman out there in every stage of life God sees, hears, and catches every tear. He collects every achievement great or small. NOTHING goes unnoticed in His eyes. Our days may be filled with what we call meaningless task, but God sees the heart and has the story already written. He is walking with us cheering us on. His love is unfathomable even at our lowest point of the day when we yell at the kids, serve cold cereal for supper, or even cry ourselves to sleep. Remember today, that He is near and is full of love for you.
What Level Of Pro-Life Are You?
image courtesy of hin255/freedigitalphotos.net
As I get older, gain years of marriage under my belt, have more children, and gain life experience I have become increasingly aware of the “politically correct” way to go about things. I have learned what to say and how to act in order to not offend those who think differently. I have also come to see how truly unclear and twisted we as Christians can make things. We have so many faint lines drawn in the sand and gray areas. No wonder people don’t really know right from wrong anymore. I too am one of those people who can find myself in a gray area of life wondering what is true and right. I have found that once I look into scripture it quickly becomes crystal clear. The problem is that scripture is not always the first place we look, therefore we pay the consequences of confusion.
An area that most people tip toe around would be their stance on pro-life. As I am writing this post I am assuming that the majority of Christians would consider themselves pro-life. What does this truly mean? Many people would give you different definitions. This is an issue that used to be black and white, yet has become gray in many people’s eyes that are built around circumstance.
The first level of pro-life would be the the convenience pro-lifer. (Just made up my own word) They believe, for the most part, that abortion is wrong unless you can find a justifiable reason for it such as the mother being victim of rape, or the child having a disability. They think children are great when you plan for them. They also have pity on you when you get a surprise pregnancy. They refer to that baby as the “oops” child. They only want to have children if and when it suits them.
The second level of pro-lifers are the ones who consider themselves responsible. They believe abortion is wrong at all cost and believe that nothing justifies killing a baby. You will find these people rallying on the side of the street to close down abortion clinics. They know God has a plan no matter how the child was conceived or what types of disabilities they have. However, they do think it is a wise choice to use chemical birth control, though they have overheard that it can cause spontaneous abortions. They rule in favor of common sense and that no one should ever have more than 3 children in order to give them enough attention, and pay for college. It is responsible.
The third level, evidently, are the most radical. These people take the Bible literally. When it says children are a blessing they believe it no matter the circumstance of their arrival. Abortion is killing a life God placed in that mother’s womb no matter how the occurrence took place. Nothing is by accident. They believe chemical forms of birth control are abortifacients. They don’t want to be responsible for killing someone whom God knew before the beginning of time.
I proudly fall into the third. I don’t play a martyr and say, “Oh it’s tough, but this is God’s commandment.” No, I am full of passion for this. Most of the time I don’t focus on the number of children I have or how many I am going to have. For some reason it seems the baby comments and questions all flood in around the same time and it gets on my mind more than usual. Perhaps it’s because the baby is starting to play with his feet… people begin to worry if I am stupid enough to have another baby.
I am not near as bold in person as I am on my blog. I have the same answer when people start to ask, “You are done right?…right?” or when they point their finger at me and say “Now you don’t need anymore. You’ve got two of each, be happy with what you’ve got!”
My answer and beliefs are so simple, yet baffle people. I simply say, “We will see what God gives us.” I am not trying to talk someone into a different level of pro-life. I am simply telling people we have no plan except God’s, and it drives people crazy. We are not in a cult, or part of a movement. We do not feel enslaved to the idea that we must have children. We are not trying to have as many children as possible. We do not put children up on a mighty pedestal or collect them as trophies.
My pro-life stance is this: Every life is precious in God’s eyes. For that reason I will fight for them and continually pray that I will see every life the way He does rather that be an unborn baby in the womb or the rude neighbor down the street.
I have no right to decide what life is worth saving and what life is not so I am simply giving it to God and praying for His heart and compassion on a daily basis.
What level would you categorize yourself?
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You,
Are We Missing The Point?
One of the toughest things for me in my homeschooling journey is figuring out where to spend my time and energy. The possibilities are endless. There is every kind of activity to get involved in such as Bible studies, piano lessons, sports, art lessons, co-ops etc… The list goes on and on. It can be quite an overwhelming feeling to be responsible for your children’s education. I always wonder if I am doing enough, too much, or the right things.
I am sure this is even true for those who send your children to school. Your children are gone all day so you try to fill up your afternoon with fun things they will enjoy and activities to help them improve and be better people.
What if through all this we are missing the point all together?
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to enlist your child in 3-4 activities a week, make sure they are in a sport to learn how to be part of a team, make sure they take lessons on a musical instrument to help them be well-rounded, and make sure they are involved in some kind of art to encourage creativity.
All these things are wonderful, but can never be substituted for our real job as parents.
We are called to teach them diligently the love of God so they can show it to others. We are required to model and show them how Jesus lived on earth ministering to others, loving them, and telling of His goodness.
Somehow our society tells us that all this isn’t good enough. In the meanwhile we find ourselves exasperated trying to fit it all in. The Lord didn’t plan out a life of complication and aggravation for us. We do that to ourselves.
When you find yourself overwhelmed ask yourself if you are truly doing what God commanded you to do as a parent. I have found that whenever I feel heavy burdens with the busyness of life that I have lost sight of my true purpose.
We can have the highest educated, well-rounded, artistic, and musically inclined children, but without the love of God and for people in their hearts we have failed.
Let’s put God back in the center of our education and see those minutes stretch a little longer and our time be blessed.
Who is with me? Let’s hold each other accountable. Instead of applauding the momma who spends everyday out taking children here and there, let’s encourage the slower pace to truly see the work that needs to be done around us. With our children let’s roll up our sleeves and get busy doing kingdom work!
The Curse of Debt
I think we all know why debt is not a good thing. It keeps us broke, is a burden, and keep us slave to the lender.
The curse of debt actually goes much deeper than that. What about in the area of giving to others? When we owe money on things we haven’t earned yet that keeps us from giving to others the way God gives so freely to us. We are unable to care for others, rather that be the new momma down the street who could use a meal or the missions team going to China. This has to be why God included the area of finance in His word. He knew it would keep people from their true potential of living for Him and being His hands and feet.
Can we still give while in debt? Yes, of course. But how much more could we have done when we weren’t out getting things we couldn’t afford in order to accumulate more stuff that is all going to get left behind anyways.
Our decisions to accumulate stuff affects much more than just our own wallets and families. It affects everyone in the world.
As we are busy trying to stay afloat and pay our bills we are focused inward on making ends meet or how we can get more money to get this or that. However, without debt we can look beyond ourselves and see a world truly in need of the time, money, and resources God has given us.
It is time we all start thinking differently about money. It belongs to God and He simply gives it to us to manage. How are we doing with that? If we are smart with His blessings and use them wisely to bring Him glory, then how much more will He pour on us to reach others for Him? This has been pretty heavy on my heart lately.
Let us all buckle down to kick out this debt. It is nothing but holding us back in our relationships and our joy.
I Didn’t Know…
I didn’t know what having my first baby would do to my heart, mind, and body.
I didn’t know that love never had a boundary.
I didn’t know how full and complete my life was going to be when we bought you home.
I didn’t know that when you were eating cheerios in your high chair while I danced around the kitchen making supper to make you laugh that we were making life long memories ingrained in my heart.
I didn’t know that the vision of your sweet nursery where you slept would be one of the favorite rooms I ever spent time in.
I didn’t know the joy it would bring me when you smashed your hands in your first birthday cake and ate the whole thing. We had to wash you off in Granny’s sink.
I didn’t know that 5 years later I would retell the story laughing of how I tried to take you on walks when you were a toddler. You tried to knock on everyone’s door, run in the road, and pick every flower. I always had to carry you back home kicking and screaming while 9 months pregnant with your sister.
I didn’t know that I would cry when I saw you ride your bike for the first time.
I didn’t know how many times I would have to apologize to you for getting frustrated.
I didn’t know how many prayers I would pray for me to get this mommy thing right.
I didn’t know that you were going to play your role of big sister to three so far… so well.
I didn’t know that you were going to help shape me into what God wants me to be.
I didn’t know that you were going to start our tradition of Krispy Kreme doughuts after you asked Jesus in your heart that day.
I didn’t know you were going to lead your sister to Christ, then remember that we HAD to go get doughnuts again.
I didn’t know I was going to be one of those mammas that jumped out of her chair and screamed when you scored your first soccer goal.
I didn’t know that I was going to want to spend every day with you and teach you all the good things in life.
I didn’t know that you were going to be the party girl to pull me out of my shell.
I didn’t know how beautiful, smart, and funny you were going to be.
I didn’t know how kind, giving, and spirited you were going to be.
I didn’t know that I was going to cry typing this out, in disbelief you are six tomorrow.
I dint know that time flew till I held you in my arms.
I didn’t know time stood still till you wrapped your little arms around me.
I didn’t know that I was going to jump and down and call your daddy the first time you read to me.
I didn’t know that you were going to make friends with everyone you ever talked to. (You say every one is your best friend)
I didn’t know your favorite food was going to be chicken legs, your favorite color was going to be every color, or that you could draw all day.
I didn’t know that you were going to teach yourself how to hula hoop, do cartwheels, or climb trees.
I didn’t know that you were going to state that it was a different stuffed animal’s birthday every day just so we could have an excuse to party.
I didn’t know until I met you what God had created me for. He created be to be a mother and show His face through it all. I have failed many times but you have shown me how to keep at it everyday. Thank you sweet Willow for being so full of adventure, love, and Jesus. Happy 6th Birthday! We love you crazy girl!
When You Don’t Have It All Together
I spoke with a sweet momma the other night who was sharing her heart with me. She said she was constantly reminding herself to stop comparing her family to others. She spoke of a community she used to be involved in where everyone always seemed so perfect. All of their children were well-behaved, neatly dressed, and were all performing above grade level.
I reminded her that this was not reality, only her perception. A perception that she has recognized and is praying for God to work out in her own heart.
This got me thinking. What about those women who really DO look like they have it all together? I think it is important to remember that they are struggling the same as you and me just in different ways. Perhaps they feel they HAVE to be perfect. They fear failure, or feel as though they have to live up to a certain image. What an exhausting, trapped life that must be.
Both types of women are letting others predict their life for them and how they go about daily living. They are looking to others for their cues on what is acceptable and what is not. They are also using others as a measuring stick for their own families.
I will be the first to admit that I have the crazy looking family with dirt on all my kids faces. Maybe that’s why people like hanging around me…I make them feel better about themselves:) haha! I am sure those of you who know me well are laughing. Anyways, the thing is, I have finally gotten to the place where I have stopped the comparison game. I will always be different from everyone else. I will have my own struggles and strengths.
This is where God’s freedom comes in. The word, “Freedom,” has been ringing a lot in my heart lately. It is the way God meant for us to live and the only way we can truly get it is through Him.
We are free in Christ to put away unneccessary expectations. Simply put, our ways are not His ways. He’s got this. He knows what He is doing.
If by some chance, you catch us on one of those days where everyone is bathed, has napped, has full bellies and smiles; and you wonder why we are so perfect. Just know that we aren’t. We shouldn’t be. God uses the weak and unexpected ones to do Kingdom work.
Lift up your heads mammas. We are all in this together.
I encourage you all today to stop looking around and look upward. The strengths and weaknesses you have can all be used by Him. He created you that way!
My Pity Party
Ever tried to throw yourself a little pity party? Well, I tried to throw myself one today. I even tried shedding some tears before the Holy Spirit came and smacked me upside the head and told me to get over myself. (Not really but you know what I mean) I was upset because my husband was going to be working extra again. This would put him at the fire station three nights in a row. As I started complaining and becoming grouchy I realized something…
This is what I asked for!
My husband and I both wanted me home with our children and were willing to make any sacrifices to slowly be able to make that happen. God was so faithful and answered our earnest prayer, yet here I am pouting.
Once the light bulb went off I immediately stated to praise God for the blessing of my husband having work. Shame on me for even starting to blow up the balloons for my pity party!
This got me thinking of all the times I have been ungrateful for the gifts and blessings God has given me.
I think we all do this a lot more than we want to admit to. We pray for answers yet sulk in our misery not wanting to praise God for where He has taken us.
We want me home with our children. God has helped us get there, but there are still sacrifices to be made on our part. We also want to pay off our mortgage in order to be 100% debt free. God has blessed us and provided us with all we need but it still takes hard work. So we praise Him and keep moving forward confidently. Expecting Him to guide us and help us every step of the way.
Join me in throwing pity parties out the door. Lets roll up our sleeves and get busy with all of the amazing opportunities and blessings God has placed before us.
My mission this week is to stop the complaining and give Him praise.
I Am Not Who I Used To Be
“I am redeemed, you set me free. So I’ll shake off these heavy chains, wipe away every stain. Cause I’m not who I used to be….I am redeemed.”
I sat before the Lord this morning so truly humbled and thankful He chose me. He redeemed me, and set me free. Ask any one. I am not who I used to be. The Lord has been in my heart as a little girl but I have never experienced true freedom until recent years.
I was the girl who rebelled any chance I got. I was the girl who wanted my voice heard above the others. I wanted my time and my space. I wanted my perfect house with perfect salaries to match. I was the girl who wanted two kids dropped off at school by the bus so I could go do more important things. I was the girl who wanted to climb the clinical ladder as a nurse. I was the girl who thought she deserved Starbucks every morning. I was the girl who held on closely to my money to save. I was the girl who had to go out every one in awhile to drink and party in order remember what my life was like before kids. I was the girl who demanded a date night no matter the cost because I deserved to go out.
But then the Lord pulled me in…He has set me free from legalism, going with the norm, caring what others think, and has shown me the great things His power can do.
He changed me…
He set me free…
I am now the girl that longs to submit to the voice of God. I want to listen and speak only when it will be most effective. I want to give up my time and my perfect house in order to gain more of Christ. I want as many arrows as the Lord will give us to sharpen then send out into the world. I am the girl who wants to walk by my children to teach them diligently the love of God. I don’t deserve Starbucks or any other luxury this world has to offer. I am the girl who is desperately praying for God to help me let go of the money He has given. I am the girl who doesn’t want to go back to life before husband and kids. I am not who I used to be.
Never in my life have I gone to bed more exhausted, yet so full of joy. He took away the heavy chains this world tried to bind me in. He wiped away every stain of my past.
He is waiting to do the same for you. There is no other way to truly live than to lose it.