My Sweet Girl
My little girl is four years old today. When her big brown eyes open, the very first thing she will say is , “Mom, what are you fixing for breakfast? Can I have three breakfast?”
She will come cuddle on my lap with blanket in one hand and a thumb in her mouth. (She told me she would stop that when she turned five…maybe)
She will ask about cake and ice cream probably a hundred times before we even get to lunch time…Oh how I love this crazy little girl!
I have told multiple people that she is a hard one to describe, but sitting here thinking about her sweet smile… it suddenly becomes very easy.
She is my different one. The one who keeps me on my toes and guessing. The one with a sense of humor that can turn any situation into a deep belly laugh. She marches to the beat of her own drum and makes no apologies for it. She is tough to get to know, but once you do get to know her, your instantly in love. When she loves something, she is passionate about it. She will giggle at the most inappropriate times with a hand over her face trying to stop. She is a thinker, she doesn’t do things the hard way, but finds an easier way. She gives people nicknames like her brother Ty is “Buddyboo” and her brother Easton is “Easty E.” She adores her big sister Willow, who is referred to as “Sister.” She is one of a kind. She tells me she loves me ten times a day and promises she will always be my baby.
My Zoe Bell…Where would our family be without you? You have bought out so many more good times and laughs then we ever could have imagined. God has amazing plans for you sweet girl. I am so thankful to be your Momma. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
Random Tips For New Mommas
As I share my top tips for new mammas I am literally typing this out for my own benefit as well. I am not always the best at following my own advice, but at this phase in my life it is a must. These are in no particular order but are coming straight from my heart as I attempt to tread through this motherhood journey…sigh…it’s just been one of those days.
Top five tips for new mammas. (and myself)
Stop Comparing yourself
Just the other week I took Willow to soccer practice. My husband was at the fire station. It was my first time taking her with all the kids by myself. When we got there, Willow went ahead and ran out onto the field. One of the other moms on the filed watched me walk up and said, “I don’t know how you do it, you always have everything together!” This is what she saw as I walked up… I had the baby in my little carrier pouch strapped to the front of me while carrying a picnic blanket and food for our supper. Zoe and Ty were walking peacefully behind me looking like sweet well-behaved children. She said I looked so pretty…
Here is what she missed, the reality… We were running late so Willow ran out of the car with anxiety beyond belief that she was missing practice. Our air conditioner was messed up so we were all red-faced and sweaty. When we pulled in, Zoe and Ty asked multiple times if they could eat their food I had planned for the picnic in the car. They cried when I told them no. The baby had to nurse when we pulled in the parking lot. Zoe said she had to poop when I started feeding the baby… In the midst I was praying for God to just get me to the other side of this LOONG day. ( Oh and I am wearing over sized jeans because I can’t squeeze in my own yet and my mammas shirt because I had just raided her closet. I still can’t fit in most of my clothes. The food was packed because we had run tons of errands and there was no time to eat supper at home.
The danger is that we compare. I could tell that she was thinking she wasn’t a good momma. She kept saying she needed to send her kids with me so they would be better behaved etc… I have done the same comparison game multiple times leaving me feeling inadequate. I encourage you to remember things are NEVER as they seem.
Know that you cant do it all.
A little background information. I take care of the bills and budgeting. I love it and I am a crazy person about it. I’m always trying to figure out a system and I pride myself on having our money “figured out” and making our dollar stretch. To make a long story short I got a letter in the mail saying our power was going to be turned off tomorrow because we were past due. It said we owed a huge amount. We have the money automatically drafted from our account and it hadn’t been done since January. There was a glitch in the system and I never noticed we weren’t getting charged. They had our incorrect email address so we were never getting notifications. When I investigated further I sat and cried. Why Can’t I do this??Why can’t keep it together?? Before I know it, the failure word is whispered in my ear and I start to feel overwhelmed. I want to cook healthy meals, take care of the finances, read endless stories, give cuddles all day, home school, and teach them all about God’s love. Then I think , “Good grief, when is the last time I read my Bible and didn’t fall asleep at night while praying?” I know I put a lot of pressure on myself. I’m pretty sure we all do it. The truth is, I can’t do it all perfect all the time.
The house will not be spotless.
I am not a clean freak but the sight of lots of clutter is enough to drive me crazy. Between baby swings, trucks, and pillows on the floor from playing, “Don’t touch the ground” I look and think again why can’t I keep it all together? The truth is, it will never stay clean all the time. If it was, then it would be empty.
Remember who is able.
Throughout all of my trying to accomplish the world I am missing the one who can help me to do that.. GOD. His idea of conquering the world is a lot different from mine. His is about exemplifying love throughout all of the mundane task of the everyday life. If I am constantly in a rush thinking about how inadequate I am and comparing myself to others then how can love even be apart of the equation. This season of life seems so long and tiresome but in reality I know it is fleeting. How will I spend the greatest moment of my life?
Make it count.
Look at the blessings around, enjoy them, and breathe them in. Live every day the best you can. Look for the good and beauty in the messy chaos around you. Love on your family and love on yourself a little too. This motherhood thing IS WORTH IT, it IS MESSY, it IS LOVELY. Let us always remind each other and encourage each other even if it is through our failures.
Here is to making today count…
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You,
Why Essential Oils Are a No Brainer!
I am sure people can tell from my post recently that I am on a mission to get family and friends I know on essential oils. I have researched, listened to tons of testimonials, and I am add adding to my testimonials every day. From the health benefits, the money it saves us, and the versatility; my passion continues to grow every day for these little oils with huge impacts.
Today I want to share why using Young Living essential oils is a no brainer. I want to put the pieces together of why they make sense. This is one of those areas in my life where I have questioned the normal way everyone does something and have looked for alternatives, fell in love, and now want every one to know…
First point to be made is that there are 188 references in the Bible about essential oils. I don’t know about you, but if it’s in the Bible then I want it!
They have been used since early history and there are actual recipes using essential oils by the Egyptians in hieroglyphics.
An essential oil is basically taking the plants immune system, concentrating it, and using it for our own immune system.
There are hundreds of molecules in each bottle. Each one benefiting something different by promoting health, healing, and regeneration.
Young Living essential oils can be applied to skin, taken internally, diffused in the air, inhaled directly, or added to bath water.
They economically make sense. 5 ml bottles contain 85 -100 drops and 15 ml bottles contain 250-300 drops. Only one drop at a time is needed!
Time saver, no going to the doctor or waiting in line for prescriptions.
They smell amazing. Much better for your health to diffuse an oil rather than burn a candle.
Young Living’s essential oils be used in various food recipes, cleaning recipes, and body care products.
Don’t let me talk you into anything. Click on this link to find out how to sign up as a wholesale member with the purchase of a Premium Starter Kit to see for yourself what all of the hype is about.
*Bonus* For signing up as a wholesale member with me for the month of May I am giving away a “Momma Goodie Bags!”
- A sample of a homemade whipped body butter featuring lavender essential oil.
- A sample of homemade anti aging facial cream featuring Geranium essential oil.
- A homemade chocolate mint lip balm featuring Peppermint essential oil.
- A 5ml rollon bottle sample of Lavender essential oil
- A 5ml rollon bottle sample of Peppermint essential oil.
- A thieves spray for your purse or gym bag.
- A sample of homemade Natural Laundry Soap.
Wait…it gets better
After you have signed up as a distributor and purchased your Premium Starter Kit I will give bonus free goodies to anyone who signs up for Essential Rewards whose order exceeds 200PV (product volume).
You will receive a FREE Diffuser necklace and a copy of Homemade Mommy Beauty Essentials ebook for free!
-AND…Just so you know..In May Young Living will send you a free 15 ml bottle of Oregano essential oil and a free 15 ml bottle of Aroma Sieze essential oil blend when you place a single order above 190PV!
That is tons of Bonus items for enrolling with me in May! Click on this link to get started!
To read more of my post on why I love essential oils check out these post: Don’t miss any more and subscribe and share!
How To Buy Essential Oils On A Budget
Top Five Essential Oils Postpartum
Combat With Essential Oils (Colic)
Large Families and the Environment
Photo courtesy of Dan/ Freedigitalphotos
I saw an article on Facebook recently from a man who had more than the average amount of children. He was simply saying, “Why not have more?” He shared that our reasons for not having more children are so superficial compared to all the goodness and blessings that they bring.
In the comment section there was a women obviously very upset. She was going on and on about how this man was an idiot and was selfish. Her reasoning was due to the fact that all of his children were using up resources in our environment and contributing to more and more waste. Not to judge…but her profile picture did not look like she made her own clothes out of recycled material. She looked like the typical American.
I will be the first to admit that I am in no way a tree hugger. I am however resourceful, I don’t like waste, and I love to stay frugal and save money.
This made me ponder over a few different issues. First of all, are their truly any couples out there who stop having children in order to save the planet? If there are, I have never heard of them. People stop for various reasons, but decreasing their family’s carbon footprint is typically not first.
Secondly, it got me thinking about how much more resourceful we have become as our family has grown larger. In fact, the majority of families with three or more children that I know are frugal minded, good to the environment, and use fewer resources than most families of four. (I am aware quite the opposite can be true. I am just making a generalization.)
Here is a small list of ways larger families are resourceful.
Larger families typically go on fewer vacations thus flying less. It’s not often you see a huge bunch of kids boarding an airplane going to a nice vacation.
Larger families typically have 1-2 vehicles and travel together. When they are out running errands they tend to do it all at once in the same day. Not necessarily to save the environment, but because it’s a pain to get kids in and out of the house multiple times.
They are more likely to grow their own food.
Larger families waste less food Ex) leftovers. There are more mouths to eat it.
Larger families reuse clothes, toys, furniture, shoes, etc..
I can’t help but think this all had to be apart of God’s natural design. To know that the more children you have the more resourceful you will be, mostly out of necessity.
Yes, that are some large families that are wasteful and smaller families that are resourceful. I’m just ranting about other people that are more concerned with the environment than human life. It just doesn’t make sense to focus our energies on population. Seems like an area to focus on would be divorce rates and how a family separating doubles everything from homes, vehicles, and waste. This isn’t spoken of by environmentalist.
I found an article from 10 years ago stating exactly what I assumed. Divorced households spent 46-56% more on electricity and water than married households. Compared to married households, the divorced households could have saved 73 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and 627 billion gallons of water. This is an area worth working on.
I believe God’s commands are there for reasons to protect us and to ultimately give us more joy. Larger families CAN go green just as easily as smaller families. The important thing is to keep the families TOGETHER. It is all about our contributions and how we can impact each other not about the waste.
Anything to add to my list? Subscribe and share!
Sharing this with: The Prairie Homestead, A Mama’s story, Raising Arrows, The Modest Mom, What Joy is Mine, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife, Thankful Homemaker, Mamal Diane, Teaching What is Good, Mom’s the word, conerstone cofessions, A proverbs 31 wife, Some of the best things in life are mistakes, Let this mind be in you, A Wise Woman Builds her home, Deep Roots at Home, Graced Simplicity, Raising Homemakers, Women Living Well, Hope in Every Season, Jill’s Home remedies, Little Natural Cottage, Our simple country Life, Raising Mighty Arrows, The Purposeful Mom, Happy and Blessed Home, Homemaker by Choice, Your Thriving Family, My Joy Filled Life. New Life Steward, Hometead simple, Let this Mind Be in You,
To Renew A Vision
Photo courtesy of Dan/Freedigitalphotos
To renew a vision of the generation I’m raising is my goal each and every day. To look in little faces and see men and women as world changers and Christ followers. To resume, restart, to take up again, to come back to, to begin again, to start again, to recommence…yes, this is what I want for my vision.
I must not lose sight in the mundane and ordinary. I must look past the here and now and invest in the eternal. I must delay my gratification and sow the seeds carefully in order to reap the fruitful harvest of children well invested in….yes, I must renew my vision.
I have been entrusted with souls. I have been equipped through Him who called me. I have been given a privilege to fight for them for a short while on this earth. I have been given the mighty job of raising warriors in a complacent world…yes, I must renew my vision.
The band aids, the sips of water, the diaper changes, the discipline, the breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, the songs, the tantrums, the books, the games, the fights, the crying, the midnight feedings, the sickness, the sleep deprivation, are all pieces and tools to model patience and perseverance…yes, I must renew my vision.
The hugs, kisses, I love you’s, kindness, sharing, toothless grins, swing sets, walks, snuggles, first words, first steps, first laugh, the ride without training wheels, loose teeth, the nights slept through, the fever breaks, are all pieces and tools to model the gratitude and thankfulness…yes, I must renew my vision.
For it is in the little things of life my vision is blurry, focus gets shifted, my eyes get off the prize. However it IS in the little things of life where these little souls can catch their God-given visions when I stay focused on mine.
Let’s start today by renewing our minds and hearts and therefore the vision to keep at it. It starts with us.
What is your vision for the day? Subscribe and Share!
Life has been a crazy, wonderful mess since welcoming our fourth child a month ago. I have come out of the little valley that most mammas of newborns go through and am starting to juggle again. The fog is clearing, and I am starting to once again feel the joys of a larger than average family and once again be reminded of my conviction to raise them for God.
Through this month a common theme has been ringing as I’m sure it will continue for a few more months. It is saying “Let go of any expectations!”
An expectation is a strong belief that something should happen a certain way. That is simply unrealistic in my stage of life right now…really in any stage of life. To assume we can expect a certain outcome because we have done this or that is foolish.
I am seeing now that all of my expectations I put on myself and those around me were all selfishly motivated. To have true freedom in this life takes dying to self every second of the day. It not about me and what I expect to happen. It is about God and His plans for that day. His Plans are not our plans…
The more and more I can grasp this concept the fuller my heart becomes. I am seeing that it’s not about how many things I can get checked off my to do list or how clean I got the house that day. If it were about that, then having kids wouldn’t be in the equation.
Instead it is about THEM. My husband and Children. Dying to self, serving them, and letting go of my expectations will be the key to my success.
What expectations are you letting go of today? Subscribe and share!
Mother’s Day Giveaway!
As I am sure most of you have seen, I have fallen in love with essential oils! I could talk on and on about what they have done for my family. Nothing short of AMAZING! Not just any essential oils though, Young Living. You can find out why here.
For the month of May in honor of Mothers day I am doing my first ever giveaway! We will call it “The Momma Goodie Bag.” This will be given to any person who signs up for a wholesale account via this link and purchases a Premium Starter Kit for the entire moth of May!
The Young Living Premium Kits are packed with Essential Oil awesomeness!
The Momma Goodie Bag will include:
- A sample of a homemade whipped body butter featuring lavender essential oil.
- A sample of homemade anti aging facial cream featuring Geranium essential oil.
- A homemade chocolate mint lip balm featuring Peppermint essential oil.
- A 5ml rollon bottle sample of Lavender essential oil
- A 5ml rollon bottle sample of Peppermint essential oil.
- A thieves disinfectant spray for your purse or gym bag.
- A sample of homemade Natural Laundry Soap.
*Bonus* For the month of May:
After you have signed up as a distributor and purchased your Premium Starter Kit I will give bonus free goodies to anyone who signs up for Essential Rewards whose order exceeds 200PV (product volume).
You will receive a FREE Diffuser necklace and a copy of Homemade Mommy Beauty Essentials ebook for free!
-AND…Just so you know..In May Young Living will send you a free 15 ml bottle of Oregano essential oil and a free 15 ml bottle of Aroma Sieze essential oil blend when you place a single order above 190PV!
That is tons of Bonus items for enrolling with me in May! Click on this link to get started!
To read more of my post on why I love essential oils check out these post: Don’t miss any more and subscribe and share!
How To Buy Essential Oils On A Budget
Top Five Essential Oils Postpartum
Combat With Essential Oils (Diabetes)
Combat With Essential Oils (Colic)
The Most Important Work I’ll Ever Do
The most important work I’ll ever do…
is to teach them the Gospel.
is to cuddle with them on the couch.
is to kiss the scraped knee when they fall.
is to grab a chubby toddler out of his crib.
is to change another diaper.
is to nurse a newborn in the wee hours of the morning.
is to listen to a five-year old’s jokes.
is to read the Bible story again before bed.
is to dance like a ballerina with a three year old.
is to color in the “my little pony” coloring book.
is to tickle a rough little boy.
is to bathe a sweet-smelling newborn.
is to cook their favorites (pancakes and cornbread)
is to take them to church.
is to wipe another nose.
is to show them what this life is all about.
is to let them be kids.
is to be that example.
is to take them outside.
is to read to them.
is to show them Jesus all around.
is to protect their hearts.
is to show them how to have love and compassion.
is to do all this and so much more with a smile that proves these little people are the most important work I’ll ever have the chance to do on this earth.
Agree? Subscribe and Share!
